
1. **促进消化**:乳酶生在肠道内能够分解糖类生成乳酸,从而降低肠道的pH值。肠道酸度的增加有助于消化,因为它能够抑制腐败菌的生长和繁殖,减少蛋白质的过度发酵,从而减少胀气。

2. **止泻作用**:乳酶生通过增加肠道酸度,抑制腐败菌的繁殖,减少肠道内发酵,有助于缓解腹泻症状。

3. **改善肠道菌群**:乳酶生中的乳酸菌有助于恢复肠道内的正常菌群平衡,对于因肠道菌群失调引起的腹胀、腹泻等症状有改善作用。

4. **治疗消化不良**:对于因消化不良引起的腹胀、消化不良、食欲不振等症状,乳酶生可以起到一定的缓解作用。

5. **适用于小儿**:乳酶生对于小儿肠道菌群紊乱或消化不良引起的腹泻、绿便等症状也有一定的治疗效果。


6. **治疗腹泻**:对于因饮食不当或感染等原因引起的腹泻,乳酶生可以用来缓解症状。

7. **外用治疗阴道炎**:乳酶生外用还可用于治疗因菌群失调导致的细菌性阴道炎。



– 不宜与活性炭、次碳酸铋、鞣酸蛋白等收敛吸附药物同服,以免影响疗效。
– 乳酶生不宜与抗生素同服,因为抗生素会杀死乳酸菌,从而失去乳酶生的作用。
– 乳酶生片应以饭后整片吞服为宜,婴幼儿可选用乳酶生粉剂饭后服用。




### 益处:

1. **美容养颜**:桃胶含有丰富的植物胶原蛋白和天然保湿成分,可以帮助减少皱纹,提高皮肤弹性,从而达到美容养颜的效果。

2. **润肠通便**:桃胶具有促进肠胃蠕动的作用,有助于排出肠道内的垃圾,对润肠通便有显著效果。


3. **生津止渴**:桃胶含有多种营养成分,可以帮助补充体内津液,缓解口渴症状。

4. **养颜润肤**:对于男性朋友来说,桃胶可以起到养颜润肤的效果,减少皮肤皱纹,提升皮肤水嫩度。


5. **缓解压力**:桃胶中含有多种抗氧化成分,有助于缓解压力,改善睡眠质量。

6. **清热解毒**:桃胶具有清热解毒的功效,有助于清除体内毒素。

### 功能:

1. **治疗胃痛**:《纲目》记载,桃胶具有和血益气,止痛的功效,可用于治疗胃痛、胃炎。

2. **降脂养颜**:桃胶与皂角米、银耳等食材搭配,具有降脂、养颜嫩肤的功效。

3. **抗衰老**:桃胶中的植物胶原蛋白和抗氧化成分有助于延缓衰老。

4. **治疗石淋、血淋、痢疾**:桃胶在古代被用作中药材,用于治疗石淋、血淋、痢疾等疾病。

5. **补充营养**:桃胶含有丰富的维生素和蛋白质,有助于补充人体所需营养。

### 使用方法:

1. **炖汤**:将桃胶用清水浸泡两小时以上,去除杂质,然后与清水、冰糖等食材一起炖煮,制成美味营养的桃胶汤。

2. **炖甜品**:桃胶与皂角米、银耳等食材搭配,制成甜品,既能补充营养,又能享受美味。

3. **直接食用**:将泡发好的桃胶加入温水中,咀嚼食用,有助于缓解胃痛。



1. **调节血糖**:葛根中含有葛根素,这是一种天然的血糖调节剂,有助于维持血糖水平的稳定,对糖尿病患者具有一定的辅助治疗作用。

2. **改善脑部血液循环**:葛根茶有助于改善脑部血液循环,对因脑部血液循环不畅引起的头痛、眩晕等症状有缓解作用。


3. **解肌退热**:葛根具有解肌退热的效果,适用于感冒发热、项背强痛等症状。


4. **透疹**:对于麻疹不透等情况,葛根茶具有一定的辅助治疗作用。

5. **生津止渴**:葛根茶能够生津止渴,适用于热病口渴、阴虚消渴等症状。

6. **健脾开胃**:对于身体虚弱、食欲不振的人群,葛根茶具有健脾开胃的效果。

7. **降血压、血脂、血糖**:长期饮用葛根茶有助于降低血压、血脂和血糖,对高血压、高血脂、高血糖等患者有一定的辅助治疗作用。

8. **改善便秘**:葛根茶中的膳食纤维有助于调节肠胃功能,对改善便秘有积极作用。

9. **解酒护肝**:葛根茶具有解酒护肝的功效,可以分解酒精,减轻酒精对肝脏的损害。

10. **美容养颜**:葛根茶中的异黄酮等成分有助于美容养颜,对于女性来说,经常饮用有助于保持肌肤弹性和健康。

11. **防治癌症**:葛根素中的黄酮成分可以增强体内NK细胞的活性,有助于阻断细胞癌变。

12. **治疗心律失常和心肌梗塞**:葛根茶中的有效成分能够扩张冠状动脉,增加血液流量,对心律失常和心肌梗塞等疾病有辅助治疗作用。



1. **补肾壮阳**:仙茅草具有温补肾阳的功效,对于肾阳不足引起的阳痿、早泄、腰膝酸软等症状有较好的改善作用。

2. **强筋健骨**:仙茅草能够强筋健骨,对于筋骨痿软、腰膝冷痛等症状有治疗作用。


3. **祛寒湿**:仙茅草具有温脾止泻、祛寒湿的功效,对于寒湿痹痛、四肢不温、腹泻等症状有较好的治疗效果。


4. **调节内分泌**:仙茅草能够调节内分泌,有助于延缓内分泌功能的衰退,对女性更年期症状有一定的缓解作用。

5. **增强免疫力**:仙茅草水提物和仙茅甙能够促进抗体生成、增加巨噬细胞增生,从而增强免疫功能。

6. **抗炎、抗菌、抗肿瘤**:仙茅草具有一定的抗炎、抗菌作用,对某些细菌如痢疾杆菌有抑制作用。此外,仙茅的提取物对某些肿瘤细胞有抑制作用。

7. **促进食欲**:仙茅草能够增进食欲,对于食欲不振、消化不良有一定的改善作用。

8. **镇痛、退热**:仙茅草具有镇痛和解热的作用,对于疼痛和发热症状有一定的缓解作用。


Therefore, if we continue to stalemate, it is likely that Qin Changfeng’s strength has dried up and Mrs. You Chen has not only recovered, but also swallowed it openly …

Chapter seven hundred and forty-four Destiny fire
The situation in which the two giants of Shichanghe Black Hole War are at loggerheads is quite unfavorable to Qin Changfeng.
Because once you enter the stalemate stage, competition is the foundation and realm.
Foundation Qin Changfeng’s self-confidence is never weaker than others, but his mastery of the law is still worse than that of Chen Taitai.
However, if the realm of the law of the avenue is worse, will it be impossible to win?
Qin Changfeng has two words, not necessarily!
If that’s the case, let’s report the types and realms of Yuan God’s laws separately, and just compare and tell the winners and losers directly, or do we have to fight to death?
There is a touch of indifference in my eyes, a touch of expectation and a touch of confidence!
Then this half type is that even he has deduced it several times in his mind, but he has never used it.
With his finger-pinching tactic, the dragon-infested nebula Huo Ran Fuguang waste road lines are densely covered, which belongs to the diffusion of Wu Tiandao’s breath, and the natural disaster has finally evolved into a more complicated and powerful meaning.
All the stripes in the star are shaken, dragged and entangled into a huge array, which emerges like a big net and changes around the nebula. In a moment, the nebula dragon is condensed and shaped into a celestial method!
The Emperor of Heaven has black hair and flying eyes, staring at the stars and overlooking people. His eyes seem cold, cold, sharp and dignified.
He doesn’t have a mouth, but he has to raise his hand with a finger. The whole world is trembling. This star is full of fright.
Even when the stars are rumbling and trembling at the fingertips, the long river emits harsh golden light, and the river directly boils and transpires bright haze.
When the river is boiling, what does it mean?
Just when people were shocked and suspicious, all the haze suddenly disappeared, not because the river had been evaporated, but because it melted the golden flame of the world!
The whole long river has become a huge fire lamp in the virtual space, as if it was not water but road lamp oil that flowed in the long river.
At this moment, the tester does not get cold in front of the screen.
That’s no ordinary fire, but destiny fire! !
It was Qin Changfeng who was born when the foundation of the martial arts was ignited. It has a complete mystery and a strong destiny. It burns in the stars and spreads the fire. The star in the last month in the day directly turns to ashes.
If it weren’t for their planet, the battlefield would have disappeared.
The fire of destiny will burn Mrs. You Chen to vomit blood on the spot and retreat back wildly. No matter how strong the black hole body is, it will never be swallowed up. At this moment, the power of uniting the Tao will burn out and the fire of destiny will come out.
If the emperor doesn’t show it, it will be the most powerful destructive force in the world, and all tangible things will be destroyed. In comparison, the middle-level annihilation blow is nothing, because this fire can suppress all things and even burn the law of the avenue as lamp oil!
At the same time, the world is in a daze. This is the strongest change in the shape of the black hole. It is hard to accept that Mrs. Daohuang was suppressed and vomited blood and flew backwards.
Natural disasters in the evolution of witch, water and fire.
The three laws of time, life and fate show Tao Wei.
At this time, all the elements that make up the natural disaster are gathered in the exhibition hall. To some extent, this fire of destiny is the ultimate meaning of the natural disaster and the most complete of the three disasters exerted by Qin Changfeng.
Maybe not the strongest, but it is absolutely perfect.
And the power of destiny and fire did not live up to Qin Changfeng’s expectation. The destructive power is even more terrible than the destruction. It is the best proof that it will be directly mastered as the destruction of the righteousness and the suppression of Mrs. Chen.
"Ah … that’s impossible!"
"Your realm is lower than mine, even if there is a flying fairy operator blessing Tao Fawei, it is impossible to surpass me! !”
Mrs. Youchen generally evades the destiny and growls, but she is unwilling and even less angry. How can she lose to a "grass man" who rose from the twilight?
Besides, it’s still the king’s challenge, and the snow is bound to be filled with the situation from the end.
"I really sent you a point, but I decided that the avatar power has an avatar besides the law! The three disasters of heaven and earth are enough to make up for the gap between heaven and earth! "
Qin Changfeng’s indifference and conceit have always been his advantage because of his magical powers and mysterious abilities.
Before the war, he thought that the magical power was his weakness, and it was also because of the ignorance that the realm of Yuan God exceeded him too much, and the gap was far from being comparable to that of Mrs. You Chen.
Otherwise, if you are in the same environment, even if Tao Chi claims to read all the holy laws in the world, Qin Changfeng will never be afraid of it.
Rumble ~ ~ ~ ~

"Sure enough, I can’t hide from my sister."

Yun Ting also laughed and said, "But my sister guessed wrong. This man knows how to kill two swords!"
The woman glanced at Yun Ting and asked casually, "Do you want me to help you take these two swords away?"
"How can this work!"
Yun Ting said at once, "I will defeat him one day and take back the two swords with my own hands!"
Hearing this answer, the female heart secretly nodded.
What she said just now was a test.
If Yun Ting promised to come, it would prove that Yun Ting was completely defeated in the first world war, and he dared not play that man again.
Now Yun Ting’s performance has reassured women.
If Yun Ting’s sharpness is still frustrated today, it will make him more powerful!
The woman stretched out her palm and gently waved in the direction of Yun Ting.
Yun Ting knew the sea and suddenly opened a broken silver armor and flew out. It was Su Mo’s three yuan gods hermetic that broke the ice armor.
"Sister, this armor is broken. What do you need it for?"
Yun Ting muttered a word.
"If it’s broken, you’ll soon break through to the fairy, and I’ll recast it for you."
The woman said as she took this armor.
The female finger gently brushed the nail and looked at the nail with a few scorch marks. "This is the trace of destroying the whip."
"Yes, yes, one of the secrets of the Yuan God is a lightning whip."
Yun Ting hurriedly said.
The woman is puzzled. "How can this school appear in this person?"
The woman felt the residual breath of a broken armor again. "There is also a secret art of Buddhism and Yuan God. What is it? I still can’t guess what you will describe."
Yun Ting will simply describe the scene at that time.
"Tathagata sutra Tathagata?"
The woman frowned slightly and said, "This person has great attainments in Buddhism, but after all, this is a boundary skill. How can it be so powerful?"
She has a wide range of knowledge and knowledge.
So many things can be inferred from the clues of nail residue.
But at this time, she can also understand how the occult sciences of a world god broke out with such power.
The woman shook her head and continued, "This man has also released a secret method of dragon lamella, which can continuously release three secret methods of Yuan Shen. This man Yuan Shen must be eccentric."
According to Yun Ting’s description, the flesh is strong and the blood is usually barbarians.
But the barbarian Yuan God is the weakest point, and it is absolutely impossible to be so concise and pure!
Women can’t guess Su Mo’s position at the moment.
How can anyone practice killing by heaven and killing by earth, know how to destroy the whip of God, be profound in Buddhism, and be able to release the dragon mysticism, and be able to compete with Yun Ting?
It’s weird that such a Uber has ordinary blood?
"Don’t …"
A woman’s heart vaguely thought of a possibility.
Seeing that the woman was silent and bored, Yun Ting leaned forward and pointed to the woman’s hand and asked, "What are you looking at, sister?"
The woman was interrupted by Yun Ting and didn’t continue to want to close her book and show her name to Yun Ting. "Nothing is just some stories."

His face lit up, but he didn’t start work rashly. This Qing Ji is a powerful ancient animal. Although it looks flat now, how can this old monster who has lived for several years not have his own means to save his life? Seeing that he is afraid of this kind of thing at present is also a fear.

Moreover, this means of Qing Ji’s escape is a double day. Once it escapes, it is equivalent to finding a terrorist enemy for yourself.
At that time, Gao Cai was also waiting to see the best time, and he also wanted to see what Qing Ji had done here.
"Hey, aren’t you going to do it?"
Seeing Gao Cai in the distance, Qing Ji hey hey smiled like a naughty child, but his tone was old-fashioned.
In his laughter, he felt that the whole earth force was solidified, and it seemed that the earth was controlled by some kind of force, which made him feel lonely and suspicious, and he felt that he could be swallowed up by the earth in an instant.
This force is a moment, but it is also enough for Gao Cai to wake up and be able to block this Fiona Fang in this moment to show the strength of Qing Ji.
"The personal treasure and the avatar exchange the remains of several fierce beasts in your hand?"
Looking at Gao Cai’s silent Qing Ji directly said.
"The remains of fierce beasts?"
Hearing Qing Ji’s words, Gao Cai is slightly puzzling. What does Qing Ji want with the remains of these fierce beasts?
I don’t know the reason why Gao Cai is too lazy to think about it, but I know that Qing Ji probably wants himself, so he will have a chance to get his JingXie.
When I thought about it, I said, "I still have four bodies of fierce beasts in my hands. These fierce beasts are extremely rare treasures. The younger generation should give them away, but the younger generation is short of a kind of JingXie and wants to ask you for a drop of JingXie."
After hearing Gao Cai’s words, Qing Ji looked at Gao Cai with a shock and turned into an adult’s size for a long time. "Small, you want my JingXie to practice the thirty-six methods of the highest day, which is bold, but it is not enough to exchange JingXie for the descendants of these four fierce beasts."
Looking at Gao Cai Qing Ji, he thought for a while and said without hesitation, "The ego is the ancient demon race, the great sage of the Lich, who fought for the control of the earth during the war."
Originally, we can’t stand each other, but this place has become a reincarnation. When it was cast into reincarnation, it severely injured me and almost destroyed me.
Now it’s just to restore the strength of Feixian. I need a lot of fierce beasts, corpses, heaven and earth spirits to restore it.
It is also because I am born with my feet to control the earth and mountains, and I can travel through the forbidden places of heaven and earth. Although I control the earth as I do, I have some abilities to walk through all kinds of prohibitions freely.
It can also make your body and the earth meet and absorb the earth’s strength to fight. It can be said that standing on the earth can have poor strength, but it is not enough to rely solely on the remains of these four descendants of fierce beasts.
I can give you some ancient magical powers to exchange these four bodies for my JingXie, so don’t think about it. "
Hearing Qing Ji’s words, Gao Cai thought about it. Although Qing Ji’s strength fell to Feixian, its escape speed was afraid of people, and such an ancient demon didn’t know if there would be other means.
Since he wants to recover, he will need a panacea. After thinking about it, he took out two bottles of red yangdan and one bottle of pure yangdan.
"A panacea? There is pure sun be the spirit is a panacea "
Looking at three bottles of Dan medicine in Gao Cai’s hand, Qing Ji’s face is pleased that he has found something in the mountains here that is not a panacea, but he can rarely be refined. After all, he can’t practice alchemy now, and he can learn pure yang to practice.
With these pills and the remains of several fierce beasts, you can recover faster. You can’t help moving in your heart, but you don’t want to exchange your jingxie. After all, once this problem of your own heel is known, it will be easy for people to find restraint in the future.
"Elder these muti plus four corpses? If the seniors are willing to let the younger generation exchange with you, if the seniors are unwilling to be afraid of the younger generation, they will do it themselves. "
Gao Caishen said that the god clock oscillated slightly to attract Qing Ji’s attention. At the same time, the eyebrows sent out a series of blue light and slowly went around.
A moment later, it was full of Fiona Fang thyme, so Gao was relieved.
This Qing Ji JingXie is all-in-one. If you can simply exchange talents, you won’t do it. What you pursue is immortality. The magical power is to protect immortality. You won’t kill easily, but once you do it, you will fight for life and death.
This Qing Ji jingxie can greatly supplement his immortality, and I don’t know if there is any chance to get it again this time.
"Small is overbearing, but I’m afraid I don’t have the strength to do overbearing things."
See Gao Cai this pair sent to also want to bargain. Qing Ji’s face sank. Driving a yellow car suddenly sends out a yellow light. The whole earth vibrates rapidly. A stone man with a height of 100 feet appears in front of him and is ready to rob Gao Cai’s hands.
Seeing the yellow light and the stones, the whole world turned into Wang Yang sea in a flash, and the waves roared and oscillated, drowning Qing Ji and these stones in the waves.
"Pure Yang Lingbao? !”
See yourself unconsciously fall into this world. Qing Ji’s face is heavy and immature, and his face looks very ugly, but he doesn’t show a trace of panic. The yellow car flashes and escapes from the waves in the distance.
The yellow car runs very fast, and almost no waves can stop it, and the yellow light oscillates with the sea beads and shines from time to time.
Seeing this, Qing Ji’s eyes were malicious. Since he started to work, there was no chance of easing up. When he shouted "Poseidon suppressed this person."
Poseidon appeared in the center of the waves while Gao Cai was yelling, waving three forks in his hand and devouring Qing Ji with the impact of the waves.
At this time, Qing Ji, which was sealed in the world of the sea and the pearl, communicated with the earth and fought fiercely with its own mana
In the face of Poseidon’s fierce battle, Qing Ji’s yellow car flashed rapidly and gradually became bigger than a terrorist chariot.
Qing Ji also turned into a Wu Shen in yellow armor riding a yellow chariot on the rampage in the whole world.
Terror, domineering, revealing the legacy of chariots, rolling out two huge cars in the sea, yellow chariots, waves fluctuating and the sea roaring everywhere.
Looking at Qing Ji with great power Poseidon’s cold face, the steel fork in his hand suddenly appeared in the whole sea, and several horrible behemoths struck toward the yellow chariot.
Surround it completely, and the force of the world will continue to crush it to slow down the speed of the yellow chariot.
As you can slowly resist the majesty of the sea beads in the fight.
Although Qing Ji fell in the wind, he didn’t show defeat. Seeing this situation, Gao Cai’s heart was coagulated. He didn’t expect that he was also a pure Yang Lingbao in a car. At this time, he also knew what this Qing Ji relied on. It was even more strange that his strength wanted to exchange the remains of these fierce beasts himself.
After thinking about it, a giant bell was buckled towards Qing Ji, and the bell vibration affected his mind. Twelve fiends roared one after another.
In the face of the appearance of the god clock, Qing Ji’s yellow hat flew to block the bombardment of the god clock

Boom, explosion, earth shaking, magic well, this side of the world collapsed violently, and the magic witch temple collapsed, destroying the world of wolf smoke robbery, purple thunder robbery and magic robbery, and gradually merging into one, and life is about to die!

"Not good!" Jin Yong’s face changed greatly, and he was forced to return to heaven and earth again. The magic well Yuan divine power resisted the collapse of this small world. However, he had just had a big war, and Yuan Shen was weak, and this side of the world collapsed, and the power and terror were amazing and even gradually exhausted.
"Good, good," Hui Jue also had to help.
The elder of Tianyingfeng stroke ferret laughed wildly. "Don’t you and I have any cards? ! The magic well of heaven and earth has long been compromised by me. Now the magic well of heaven and earth is afraid of collapse, and the enemy has been pinned down. It’s time for Hu Tian to bow your head and accept your fate! "
Then he didn’t fly, but turned a green light into the wind yuan flag.
Section 215 Last fight!
One second, the four flags of water, wind and fire suddenly rose to a big size, and the four flag gates occupied the southeast and northwest respectively, surrounded by Hu Tian and others. The water flag bloomed blue light and Zhu Fu was taken in. The yellow awn dragged Betty Chung in, and the fire flag bloomed red light. Lin Hongying took it and the green awn of the wind flag sparkled and remembered the wind skunk’s smirk. "This four-element array of heaven and earth has long been hosted by my hand, and each of them has become a world heartstring. They are all monks then! Can’t you and I see that you are stalling? What a pity! Hahahaha! "
"Too bad the other side still has a subsequent hand!" Hu, as a shock forehead drops of cold sweat.
Green mountain was taken to another ring, but a figure stood in front of him.
"MengGang! ?” Hu-day shouted but it was already too late. Feng Yuanqi swallowed Meng Gang and left Hu-day alone.
At this moment, Hu-day is utterly confused. "Elder Windmongoose is inaccurately said to be a wind mark, but Brother Yuan Ying’s heart strings and heart beads are all Godsworn then! Lin Hongying is in danger after they go in. The only way to save them is to refine this seven-killing sword tablet and turn it into his own array to save them from hanging upside down! "
"But! ! !”
"Wind mark intention is to let me sacrifice the seven-kill sword tablet to complete the final step of turning around and rebirth! What should I do? Have you left? !”
Deliberately revealing the heartstrings, hearts, beads and wind scars is extremely sinister. It is to force Hu Tian to sacrifice the seven swords and tablets. If Hu Tian does not sacrifice, he will disregard the safety of Lin Hongying and others. If he sacrifices, he will take the initiative to step into the trap of the other party!
One side is your own life dream! One side is the life of a companion!
At that time, Hu-day fell and never had a difficult choice.
Diyuan Qizhong
The earth stretches for thousands of miles, and the smoke in the sky rolls. A yellow-clothed Taoist’s heart is full of beads, and his arms are waving pieces of boulders at will, like meteors flying towards Betty Chung.
Animal-Tarzan pale-backed ape!
Thanks to Hu Tianwu Mi, Betty Chung became a pale-backed ape with abundant blood gas. He raised his fists and banged the boulder.
"Ha, ha, ha, yuan flag is presided over by me, but my little mother monkey at home also dares to be overbearing in front of Tao Ye? ! From the mountains! "
Heart beads laugh wildly, arms lift a boulder fifty feet high and suddenly rise, and a huge shadow covers the pale-backed ape.
The boulder fell hard but was supported by the giant ape’s arms.
"hmm? I’ll see how long you can last. !” Heart bead face twisted, and the arm lifted the boulder and fell on the first boulder face to build by laying bricks or stones. The pale-backed ape’s big feet immediately fell into the soil and his arms muscles trembled.
One piece, two pieces, and three boulders were smashed one after another, and the corners of the mouth of the pale-backed ape were overflowing with blood. Most of the body had fallen into the ground, and a pair of bright eyes were still burning with anger.
Huoyuan Qizhong
A red fire snake dazzles the sky with hot flame transpiration.
Lin Hong Yinghua’s red phoenix bird spreads its wings and soars. A big dove fights in one place. This dove is five feet long and dark red, dragging a long Moltres tail and waving a sharp beak. The fighting style is fierce and vicious.
Red Luan birds wail in absolute wind.
The red dove was so proud that she laughed wildly. "I am the first general in the dark cloud bodhi old zu, and I am also the soul of the fire dove!" Although you are the magical power of Hongluan birds and animals, can you keep me away from the fire? !”
Screaming, a body-turning, a fiery flame winding, a fierce slap on the bird’s mouth, a hard peck on the dove’s paw, a scratch on the red phoenix’s wings, and no breathing space for Lin Hongying.
Luan bleeds and moans like a broken kite falling into the fire.
Shuiyuan Qizhong
Blue light all over the sky, water and sky, knee-deep water, already filled with thick blood
Zhu Fushen’s face was pale with blood loss in several deep bone wounds, which was a bitter smile.
There are dozens of people around him, all of whom are puppets with black gold masks, and the heartstrings are hidden in them, enjoying the pleasure of playing with Zhu Fu.
"Xiao Pang, get up and fight … hey hey hey"
Plop two Zhu Fu simply threw a pig’s tooth broadsword and sat down in the water, shouting dejectedly, "If you don’t hit me, it’s just the foundation period, but you have no hope of winning at the end of the then period. Kill me!"

"It’s really a teacher, and this golden Buddha is also a gift from the master to the poor monk when he leaves."

Monk in a pride will also be behind the shrine Jin Foping in front of lightly say
"Amitabha, if Master Jin Chan can step into Jin Xian and list my Buddhist sects, his luck will be even stronger, and he will not worry about the potential of those sects."
Fuhu Luohan bowed to the golden cicada and the golden Buddha looked flying.
"This senior brother, the mortal physique around you is almost comparable to that of King Kong, the protector. Did Master Jin Chan send him to guard the senior brother?"
When two people talk, they suddenly caught a glimpse of Gao Cai’s look and asked with a slight smile.
"I am a mortal, not a king kong. If two masters can understand past lives one day, they may be able to remember."
For two people with a high expression, they sneer at the light and say that they will no longer pay attention to two people.
"This is when I met this demon tiger and was wounded by him."
See two people look monk explained before a hurry.
Lohan, the tiger, swept the high talent and stopped talking, and Lohan, the deer, ignored a mortal.
"This brother, the sorcerer of southern Xinjiang, seems to be looking for Xihailong, too. Be careful, brother. We should return to the snowy mountain when we recover these two big monsters."
In the awkward atmosphere, Lohan Fu and Lohan Sitting on a Deer smiled and went straight away from here into the dark jungle.
"These two people are really lucky. They turned out to be disciples of the lamp burning master of the Great Snow Mountain Lingjiu Temple, but this lamp burning is just stepping into the ranks of true immortals, not my master’s opponent. Hey, hey, do you want to join me now? If my master enters Jin Xian, you are a disciple of Jin Xian."
The monk looked proudly at Gao Cai and praised him.
"Master, let’s go, but there is still a deer demon among the three monsters. If we don’t leave, we may be hit by that deer demon."
Gao Cai is too lazy to pay attention to this monk. After getting along with him for so long, he knows that this old monk is definitely not as solemn and sacred as it is outside. Is it an old slick or not like a Buddhist monk?
"Let’s go, too. The deer demon may come out when. There must be a lot of barbarians looking for dragons here. Let’s get out of southern Xinjiang quickly."
The monk ran towards the distance as soon as he had a bad tunnel.
"Curious weirdo? Reminds me of the man before the beginning of heaven and earth. "
When Gao Cai and Monk disappeared, three figures suddenly appeared in the void and looked at Gao Cai and Monk Yi faintly.
"French king, you said he was the master?"
A man wrapped in a black robe looked at a man dressed as an emperor and asked faintly.
"We have all lost our memories. If it’s not the body, there is the owner’s mark. I’m afraid I don’t even have consciousness. Now it’s the body mark that senses the strangeness here, so we can explore it. It’s not necessarily the owner."
A mass of black gas black mountain old demon said lightly that his eyes flashed with thick doubts.
"No matter what master we are, we are all the remaining strong in the creation of the world. Now we have jointly founded this witch god, Li Wu, and the magical power has been able to fight against the true fairy. The strong will pay attention to Master Rush."
A piece of a gloomy shadow coldly drink a way
"Mangshan ghost king, you are just bred from a little mana of our master’s body, and you must also know that our master is terrible and powerful. If we really recover, we will definitely get more from the past than now."
Xuanyuan French king drank coldly and was too lazy to pay attention to Mangshan ghost king’s hands, one in a white robe and one in a black flag. If the jade looks like a crown, the gods proudly exude overbearing momentum and slowly walk out of the void.
If you look closely, this god is somewhat similar to his talent, especially when the flag in his hand is a yuan magic fan.
"Do the right thing, let the witch god find the West Hailong and bring it into the witch religion to strengthen our strength, or the witch god will remove our brand or find the owner."
The old demon in Montenegro said lightly that his body disappeared directly into the virtual space, and the other two people also followed closely into the virtual space.

Chapter 36 Yuan Shoucheng

"Yuan Shoucheng? Yuan Shoucheng? After what happened to the King of the Jinghe River, Yuan Shoucheng dared to stay in Chang ‘an and not find a place to hide. Aren’t you afraid of being in trouble? "
Watching the hexagrams spread high before his face was full of doubts and horror, he didn’t expect Yuan Shoucheng to be surprised in this Chang ‘an heart.
"By the way, this Chang ‘an is a fairy Buddha believed by hundreds of millions of people in the capital of Datang, and its strength will be suppressed here. Less than half of it will be exerted. What place is safer than here? Besides, this nephew of Yuan Shoucheng is still a senior official of the Qin Tianjian Prison in Datang. I’m afraid no one dares to touch him!"
Surprised suddenly want to white one thing can’t help but admire this Yuan Shoucheng good deeds.
It’s hard to wonder if you’re not wise enough to walk into this divination shop. This is not wise. Why did Tantric people come here? It’s not divination, is it?
In doubt, the natural snake’s interest-gathering tactic will operate to the extreme, and at the same time, the monkey will be mobilized to leave a finger on himself. After hiding the breath mana department, the ordinary people will adjust their clothes and install divination to see what this unwise thing is doing.
"Master lost Sang Yu in the east corner, so don’t make mistakes, and don’t ask him to ask if he is looking for it from his heart. Please come back."
Gao just entered the divination shop when she heard Yuan Shoucheng say Fujian lightly to the unwise.
Gao Cai’s coming in just happened to be unwise.
Looking at Gao Cai’s unwise look, I feel that Gao Cai is familiar but has never seen it. I can’t help but look at it and recite the Buddha’s name and turn away.
"This little brother, my master has finished the three hexagrams today. Please come back tomorrow."
At this time, a page came up to Gao Cai and said,
"oh! In that case, I won’t bother you. "
Gao Cai should know the Yuan Shoucheng rules lightly, and he should also look at what this unwise thing is doing in Chang ‘an. Moreover, this Yuan Shoucheng always makes Gao Cai have an inscrutable feeling, so it is better to leave early.
"Wait a minute. Since this little brother came to ask for divination, I will make an exception today. You can calculate a divination."
Just when Gao Cai was ready to turn around and leave, the old god suddenly said in Yuan Shoucheng
Yuan Shoucheng’s words surprised the pages around him. Everyone knows that Yuan Shoucheng never used more than three hexagrams. Everyone is the same. Why did you suddenly change your mind today? When these people were surprised, they couldn’t help admiring the high talent.
It’s a high-level talent, but now it’s a headache. This Yuan Shoucheng is inscrutable. Even the jade emperor’s rain points are clear. I don’t know if I can figure out my origin. If I do, it’s too bad. I thought of it here and turned around and left quickly
"Yuan Shoucheng rarely makes an exception. This hexagram may be of great help to you in the future. Don’t try it."
Just as Gao Cai was about to turn around, Yuan Shoucheng once again said that there was an irresistible charm in his cool and calm tone
Hearing Yuan Shoucheng’s words, Gao Cai was also moved to think that he couldn’t help sitting down and handing over to Yuan Shoucheng this time. "Thank you, Mr. Xiang. I want to go out to learn from the teacher. I wonder if this trip is smooth?"
Hearing Gao Cai’s words, Yuan Shoucheng looked at Gao Cai lightly, then pinched his fingers and said to Gao Cai after a long time, "This trip is thrilling, and there are some waves about the teacher’s work. If you want to worship the famous teacher to correct the fruit, don’t take the ordinary road."
"Thank you, master, for telling me that I must remember what the master said."
Keep Yuan Shoucheng’s words in mind. Gao Cai got up and left here at Yuan Shoucheng thank humbly.
"Ha ha, I’ll give you another chance. After I leave Chang ‘an, I’ll meet you at the water’s edge of Jinghe River. You’ll have a good chance when you meet someone to follow this person."
Looking at walking to the door of the hexagram shop, Gao Cai Yuan Shoucheng suddenly said lightly.
"well! ?”
Gao Cai suddenly got a surprised and then his eyes lit up. This Yuan Shoucheng even really gave himself a chance. It was vaguely worried. I don’t know if this Yuan Shoucheng saw his identity.
After turning around and thanking him, he quickly left here looking for an unwise fall, but he couldn’t see an unwise shadow.
In the divination shop, Yuan Shoucheng worked out the divination, and after that, the page men and Yuan Shoucheng looked away from Gao, but they couldn’t help but ponder and muttered, "This little bone qualification is ordinary, and even the stone monkey’s hair covers the breath and mana. Without pure Yang’s true fairy mana, I can’t really see it. Hehe, my old Yuan’s mana is flat, but Xiao Yin and Yang avoid death and delay life’s fortune-telling, but it can be small and good. It’s a faint purple color that makes me unable to see through and send a chance to this little future.
Yuan Shoucheng muttered that he had been in Chang ‘an for a long time, but he didn’t find this unwise figure. After looking for it for a long time, he didn’t look for it. Instead, he bought something in Chang ‘an. He not only got some multiplier materials from the black wind tunnel, but also got a lot of gold and silver property. He came to this bustling Chang ‘an to buy it on a big scale, otherwise I’m afraid there wouldn’t be such a good opportunity all the way.
After shopping for a lot of things, Gao Cai put them all in a green jade vase, and then went to Weishui River to find the so-called opportunity according to what Yuan Shoucheng said. It was only after walking that Gao Cai suddenly remembered one thing, that is, Liu Yi. This thing happened in Jingshui River. Is it Liu Yi who met himself?
Think of this matter, Gao Cai’s face gradually brightens up. This Dongting Lake is also in the south, not far from Louvre. It’s just a drop in the road. If we can go south together with Liu Yi, we may also win the kindness of the Dragon King of Dongting. But there are several treasures in this Dragon Palace. It’s good for you to give yourself something casually. No wonder this Yuan Shoucheng said it was a chance for yourself.
Want to know this thing later, Gao Cai unconsciously accelerated his pace and walked quickly.
After coming to Weihe River, Gao Cai walked along the river looking for someone. After about half a day, he finally vaguely saw a young man dressed in an old white Confucian robe coming from the other side of the river. His look seemed a little angry.
Seeing this young man move in his heart, this man must be what he is looking for, even the so-called Liu Yi.
When the blue cassock is changed and the white cold sword is carried, it is not greeted, but the mana is used to take out the Vientiane mirror. With the mana wave, this life is shrouded in a dreamland, and the environment conjures up several fish monsters to observe whether this life is true or not, and at the same time, it is better to get close to this Liuyi by removing evil eyes.
With the rotation of Vientiane mirror, I suddenly found several water monsters coming from the river, and these water monsters were running towards life.
"Dare to call out the letter and spare your life."
"You can’t be trusted. Unless you kill me, I, Liu Yi, will never do anything treacherous."
In the face of these monsters, Liu Yi turned pale with fear but still answered firmly.
Hearing this Liu Yi’s words, Gao Cai really confirmed his identity when he entered the dreamland.
"How dare you scold a bold Uber in my Datang country? Let me cut you off today."
As soon as Gao Cai appeared, a cold sword flew across two cold lights to slay several monsters and then put away the Vientiane mirror.
"Get out of here quickly and don’t provoke these monsters."
On the liuyi light said after a high just ignore liuyi turned and walked away towards the south.
Liu Yi, the survivor, saw Gao Cai slay the monster with great power and looked at Gao Cai walking towards the south. He immediately ran away with great joy.
"Taoist, wait for me, wait for me!"
"hmm? What do you want with me in this life? "
So doubt turned and looked at LiuYi asked.