
1. **能量供应**:辅酶A在人体能量代谢中扮演着核心角色。它是三羧酸循环的关键成分,可以激发这一循环,从而为机体提供生命活动所需的能量,占人体所需能量的90%。

2. **物质合成**:辅酶A参与多种生物活性物质的合成,如神经肌肉信使、神经递质乙酰胆碱和促进睡眠的褪黑激素等,这些物质对于神经系统的正常功能至关重要。


3. **酰基传递**:辅酶A能够传递酰基,这对于脂肪酸的氧化分解、胆固醇的合成等生物化学过程至关重要。

4. **免疫激活**:辅酶A支持免疫系统对有害物质的解毒作用,可以激活白细胞,促进血红蛋白的合成,并参与抗体的产生,增强机体免疫力。

5. **结缔组织形成与修复**:辅酶A能促进结缔组织成分如硫酸软骨素和透明质酸的合成,对于软骨的形成、保护和修复具有重要作用。

6. **解毒作用**:辅酶A还能减轻抗生素和其他药物可能引起的毒副作用。

7. **辅助治疗**:在临床应用中,辅酶A可用于治疗多种疾病,如白细胞减少症、特发性血小板减少性紫癜、功能性低热型疾病、脂肪肝、肝性脑病、各种类型的肝炎、动脉炎、肾功能不全综合征、冠状动脉硬化等。

8. **代谢调节**:辅酶A参与体内三羧酸循环、肝糖原储存、血脂水平调节、甾体物质生成等过程,对维持正常的代谢平衡有重要作用。





1. **药用价值**:木兰皮是木兰科植物的一种,其干燥树皮经过特殊加工后,含有丰富的药用成分。木兰皮中含有的和厚朴酚和木兰醇等成分,具有抗菌、抗病毒、抗炎、抗肿瘤等功效。在中国和日本的文献中,以木兰皮提取物为基础的近100种中药获得了专利,广泛应用于治疗多种疾病。

2. **护肤美容**:兰花油,是从兰花的胚芯中提取的一种精华成分,属于精油的一种。它具有温和还轻盈的特点,在护肤时能提供清爽而不厚重的感觉。据研究,使用兰花油后,皮肤细滑度能提升43%,匀净度提高24%,亮度提高5%,通透度提高7%,对闭口粉刺、黑头、青春痘以及老废角质等肌肤问题有一定的改善作用。


3. **祛斑效果**:兰花油对皮肤亮度的提升效果是5%,虽然它不能保证去掉所有的斑点或细纹,但确实有一定的祛斑效果。

4. **观赏价值**:杂交兰花,如建兰—红贵妃,因其花色艳丽、花朵硕大、花香浓郁,以及颜色随气温变化而变化的神奇特性,成为许多人喜爱的观赏植物。它们不仅能美化环境,还能为人们带来宁静和愉悦的心情。


5. **文化象征**:兰花在中国文化中象征着高雅、圣洁,被视为君子之花。养兰花不仅是一种学习的过程,也是一种修身养性的方式。



1. **清热解暑**:莲藕叶中含有荷叶碱、莲碱等成分,能够清泻解热,是夏季解暑的良品。泡水或煮粥食用莲藕叶,可以有效缓解暑热烦渴、暑湿泄泻等症状。

2. **养颜美容**:莲藕叶中的维生素C和生物碱具有抗氧化作用,可以排除体内有害物质和过剩营养,保持身体和肌肤的美丽。对于女性来说,经常食用莲藕叶有助于保持青春。

3. **静心安神**:莲藕叶对于紧绷的神经具有安抚作用,能够缓解压力,平心静气。对于现代生活压力大的人群,适量食用莲藕叶有助于调节情绪。


4. **消暑利湿**:莲藕叶具有消暑利湿的功效,对于暑热烦渴、水肿等症状有一定的缓解作用。

5. **健脾升阳**:莲藕叶能升发脾阳,对于脾虚气陷、大便泄泻等症状有一定的改善作用。

6. **散瘀止血**:莲藕叶具有散瘀止血的功效,对于吐血、衄血、便血、尿血、崩漏等出血性疾病有一定的治疗效果。

7. **利尿通便**:莲藕叶泡水喝有一定的利尿通便效果,有助于排出体内毒素。

8. **降血压、降血脂、降胆固醇**:对于高血压、高血脂、高胆固醇等疾病有一定的改善效果。

9. **保健作用**:莲藕叶对于肝、胃、脾等器官都有很好的保健作用。





1. **养心安神**:莲蓬子含有丰富的B族维生素和矿物质,具有养心安神的功效,对心悸、失眠、多梦等有缓解作用。

2. **补脾止泻**:莲蓬子有补脾止泻的作用,适用于脾胃虚弱、腹泻等消化系统疾病。


3. **清热解毒**:莲蓬子性味甘、平,有清热解毒的功效,适用于治疗热病发热、咽喉肿痛等症状。

4. **润肺止咳**:莲蓬子具有润肺止咳的作用,适用于肺燥咳嗽、干咳无痰等症状。

5. **利尿消肿**:莲蓬子有利尿消肿的作用,适用于水肿、小便不利等症状。

6. **抗衰老**:莲蓬子含有丰富的抗氧化物质,如维生素C、维生素E等,具有抗衰老的作用。

7. **减肥降脂**:莲蓬子中含有丰富的膳食纤维,有助于降低胆固醇,减少脂肪的吸收,从而达到减肥降脂的效果。

8. **增强免疫力**:莲蓬子中的多种营养成分有助于增强免疫力,提高机体抵抗力。

9. **美容养颜**:莲蓬子具有美容养颜的作用,长期食用可使肌肤细腻有光泽。

10. **抗癌作用**:莲蓬子中的生物活性成分具有一定的抗癌作用,可抑制肿瘤细胞的生长。


1. 适量食用:莲蓬子性味甘、平,过量食用可能导致身体不适。

2. 适合人群:莲蓬子适合脾胃虚弱、心悸失眠、腹泻等症状的人群食用。

3. 食用方法:可以将莲蓬子煮粥、炖汤或磨成粉冲水喝。

4. 孕妇和哺乳期妇女应慎用:莲蓬子具有一定的药性,孕妇和哺乳期妇女在食用前应咨询医生。


白苞蒿,学名为Artemisia lactiflora Wall. ex DC.,是一种菊科蒿属的多年生草本植物。在传统中医药学中,白苞蒿被广泛使用,具有多种药理作用,以下是其作用的具体解析:

1. **活血散瘀**:白苞蒿能够活血化瘀,对于血瘀引起的各种症状,如痛经、经闭、产后瘀滞腹痛等,具有一定的治疗作用。

白苞蒿,学名为Artemisia lactiflora Wall. ex DC.,是一种菊科蒿属的多年生草本植物。在传统中医药学中,白苞蒿被广泛使用,具有多种药理作用,以下是其作用的具体解析:

2. **理气化湿**:白苞蒿可以理气,对于因气机不畅引起的症状,如腹胀、食积等,有调节作用。同时,它也能化湿,适用于湿气较重的病症,如寒湿泄泻等。

3. **清热解毒**:白苞蒿具有清热解毒的功效,适用于治疗热毒引起的病症,如慢性肝炎、肝硬化等。

4. **消肿利湿**:对于一些局部肿胀、水肿等症状,白苞蒿可以起到消肿利湿的作用。

5. **调经**:白苞蒿对月经不调、闭经等症状有调节作用。

6. **外用治疗**:白苞蒿外用可治疗跌打损伤、外伤出血、烧烫伤、疮疡、湿疹等。

7. **其他功效**:据文献记载,白苞蒿还可用于治疗肾炎水肿、白带、荨麻疹、疝气等。


白苞蒿,学名为Artemisia lactiflora Wall. ex DC.,是一种菊科蒿属的多年生草本植物。在传统中医药学中,白苞蒿被广泛使用,具有多种药理作用,以下是其作用的具体解析:

– **剂量**:一般用量为9-18克,外用适量。
– **禁忌**:孕妇忌服,对豚草等菊科植物过敏者、肝肾疾病患者、出血问题患者、手术患者、癫痫患者等应避免使用。
– **副作用**:大量或长期服用可能不安全,倍半萜内酯、香豆素及侧柏酮等物质可能引起过敏反应、肝肾损伤、出血问题、神经毒性等。



1. **抗氧化作用**:维生素E是人体内最主要的抗氧化剂之一,可以中和自由基,减缓细胞老化的过程,保护细胞膜不受氧化损伤。

2. **促进新陈代谢**:维生素E有助于促进机体新陈代谢,维持细胞膜的健康,从而维持正常的生理功能。

3. **保护心血管健康**:维生素E能够帮助维持血管的弹性和年轻化,预防动脉硬化,降低胆固醇,从而对心脑血管疾病有一定的预防作用。

4. **提高生育能力**:维生素E对性激素的分泌有促进作用,可以提高男子的精子活力和数量,增加女性的雌性激素浓度,从而提高生育能力,预防流产。


5. **改善皮肤状况**:维生素E能够修复并巩固肌肤的天然保护屏障,锁住肌肤水分,改善粗糙肌肤,使皮肤光滑水嫩,具有养颜美肤的功效。外用维生素E软胶囊还能够滋润肌肤,去除痘印,有祛斑作用。

6. **辅助治疗疾病**:维生素E软胶囊在临床上可用于心脑血管疾病及习惯性流产、不孕症的辅助治疗。


7. **预防癌症和肝障碍**:维生素E具有抗肿瘤和抗肝障碍的作用,可以强化肝细胞的解毒能力。


8. **抗老化**:维生素E能够帮助预防皮肤老化,改善器官供血,预防动脉斑块。

9. **抗应激**:维生素E有助于提高人体对压力的耐受性,增强免疫力。


Leng Yun’s Seven Swords This person’s cultivation achievement method is a semi-lost achievement method based on Leng Yun’s imperial sword style. Compared with the most common swordsmanship of the gas refiner, it can be several times stronger. Understandably, the similarity of Mu’s sword tactic is very subtle.

However, although Leng Yun’s Seven Swords are respected by the commander-in-chief, it is an arrogant and selfish person. Although the commander-in-chief has told us that if he meets the land, he will recruit as much as possible, but even if he really misses, he will not blame the commander-in-chief. After all, the strong who can really live is the master.
Leng Yun’s seven swords fight before the break of the forward speed of Lu Li consumes a lot of money, but if there is still a battle force problem, it will not be won or lost, and life and death will finally be seen
It’s almost like the two countries are at war and charging at the forefront. The soldiers are desperate to go straight ahead just by speed, as if there were only seven swords left in his eyes to attack and kill-Leng Yun.
The other side is naturally not afraid of the wind and no longer flies the sword. When Leng Yun’s seven swords robe shakes, he pulls himself in a robe and turns out to be wearing a silver armor. It is eye-catching. It must be the effect created by the refining master.
After several losses, how can I go back to my old ways this time?
Directly combine all kinds of boxing methods. When it is close to Leng Yun’s seven swords and ten zhangs, it suddenly displays its posture or mixes its posture with the spirit of snake boxing. The clever footwork makes the other party unpredictable.
The snake fist is not weaker than the tiger fist, but the tiger fist emphasizes the strength and strength. The snake fist walks in a feminine and clever wind. The tiger fist can be imagined as a tiger coming out of the cage, while the snake spits out its letter. Although the latter is not as fierce as the tiger on the surface, the raid is equally fatal.
In addition, although Qinglong Boxing is a golden mean boxing method, it is also worth learning. Although this boxing method is dragon-shaped, it contains many basic boxing moves, and it can be a lot of luck to parry and punch.
This is the case. In the end, the heart-stealing boxing is the most ruthless, but I don’t know the origin of this boxing. The power of the heart-stealing boxing is amazing, and the boxing road is strange, which is almost impossible for few people to defend.
The right fist suddenly attacked the evil tiger and blocked the road, leaving the left palm slightly curled and showing the potential of snake spitting letters, which made Leng Yun’s seven swords one leng, but he was also a battle-hardened corners of his mouth slightly raised, and the transformation of his style was also a stroke of boxing and boxing.
When the two fists met, the deviation of the fist heart seemed to be a phantom, and then his body shook and the light world suddenly trembled and punched his throat. If the killing gas didn’t stop him, he would be injured.
Killing the Heart Sutra is beyond Leng Yun’s Seven Swords. It is expected that he will display this boxing method called Shadow Boxing, but the refined gas practitioners are quite eager for a boxing method. Just like Mu Qianxue’s shadow double sword, it is so fast that people can’t see clearly where the boxing shadow is. Compared with the snake boxing, they might as well give more.
Of course, this set of boxing is not created by Leng Yun’s seven swords himself, but is taught by himself. He can easily defeat the land separation, but he is unexpectedly blocked by it.
A cold smile is not the same as before this time, and it is very strange to add his white hair. It is a creepy feeling to see this smile in the eyes of Leng Yun’s seven swords
The figure is floating in the body in a flash, and the action is extremely flexible. He has released three waves of thoughts in a row to feint, which makes the body of Leng Yun’s seven swords vibrate violently, but the whole person is like a shadow.
Yin and yang escape combined with three-color lotus, which is a customary means of being away from home, but this time it disappeared briefly but didn’t hide for a long time, and it appeared in an instant, creating an illusion for Leng Yun’s seven swords in an instant, as if he could figure out by disappearing.
In fact, according to the expert in refining the spirit, even if you really want to hide for a long time, you can’t do it categorically. If you want to be found that the true qi wave sweeps across the land, your position will still be exposed. After all, he can’t integrate himself into the virtual like Corydalis. That’s the beauty of returning to the virtual method.
Lu Li reappeared face to face with Leng Yun’s Seven Swords. At the moment, he didn’t move at all, staring at each other like a god of death, making Leng Yun’s Seven Swords quiver. This cliff made him feel a little unnatural.
Although Lu Li can teleport the solution, Leng Yun’s Seven Swords know that many people, including Leng Yun’s Seven Swords, who can teleport when they are trained in his realm, can do it themselves, but it takes a lot of money.
A fleeting figure suddenly disappears like a bubble, which makes Leng Yun’s seven swords one leng hurriedly strengthen defense and release the true qi wave to find out the location of the land.
The true qi wave is very mysterious, but in the moment when Leng Yun’s seven swords captured the breath from the land, the breath turned from the air mass to the ghosting, accompanied by a cold and harsh voice saying, "Stealing your heart!"
This is the second realm of the heavenly fairy, which casts a heart-stealing fist. This fist method can be traced back to the source. Perhaps the shadow killing has a great deal, but I don’t know the strange footwork. With the extremely fast boxing shadow, it is accompanied by an incredible arc that directly hits the middle of the back of Leng Yun’s seven swords!
There was a loud bang, and the whole ground was shocked. Although Leng Yun’s seven swords were equipped with strong defense, they were aimed at Lu Li Quan, and because he had always left spare capacity before Lu Li, his defense was balanced, but it was not absolutely strong at a local point.
Even breaking the protective body of Leng Yun’s Seven Swords really broke the other side’s protective body gas mask, which made it better than Leng Yun’s Seven Swords. This master was also injured in his bowels. If it wasn’t for the silver armor that offset some of the impact, his middle of the back in his chest would have to be penetrated into a blood hole!
"Ow-"Leng Yun screamed with seven swords, and the blow surprised him, which made his breath disorder, his body shocked and his insides felt uncomfortable, and his insides seemed to be broken.
Chapter one hundred and sixteen Both sides
This change made Leng Yun’s Seven Swords almost furious. He judged that Lu Lixiu was extraordinary among the gas-gathering masters. He didn’t expect the other party’s strange boxing path to cause harm to himself. This made him angry. He originally planned to hand over Lu Lixiu to the leader, but at this time he turned to kill his heart!
On the other hand, is he a slobber?
Now that Wan Qiu has promised to protect Yan State, he will kill this man, who is a strong enemy but will not break his word easily.
"Small from-"
This kind word seems to be still ringing in my ears, but it doesn’t deny the reality. He knows that Wan Qiu may never come back this time, and his big eyes and pouting mouth will never see you again.
There is a hint of determination in his eyes, and the whole person is like madness. Wan Qiu left a note and he wanted to do it even if it was black and blue!
Maybe some people don’t understand this, but in the end they will understand it.
"The tiger killed fiercely!"
Ten punches in a storm!
This is the most deadly fist move in Tiger Boxing. I was seriously injured in armor and snow. This time, even in the face of Leng Yun’s seven swords, I am still unswerving. Although I lost once before, this time is different!
Tiger Boxing fuses and reverses the Heart Sutra. Most of the strength is combined with the killing gas. The killing gas comes out like a sword. In Leng Yun, the seven swords are hastily arranged, and the protective barrier bursts into loud noise, which can be heard hundreds of miles away!
Yan is not without masters, but it is true that the general eye is almost human, and thousands of people have placed their hopes on the land.
Leng Yun’s seven swords even retreated. Although he is an alchemist, after all, the repair of the protector’s true qi needs to be separated from time to time. It is because his speed is temporarily difficult to defend that he chooses to retreat.
"Where to go!"

"If you say no, you won’t." Extreme anger has made me feel numb, muttering to myself with a wry smile and shaking my head. It’s not early, it’s not late, it’s not late, it’s not just a matter of choosing this time. What is it?

Anger is hard to calm down. It takes more than ten minutes to take a deep breath to adjust from this hysterical state. I groped for the trunk, climbed to the wide branch in the middle of the tree and sat down.
"Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack!"
"Gung, your mother, Sang Men Star" I can’t help but look up and scold. If I hadn’t lost sight of the crow at the moment, I would have smashed it.
I fumbled for my cigarette, lit it and smoked two times, and I felt panicked. My current position is too high. After losing my aura, I naturally can’t make it difficult to breathe, let alone smoke. It’s damn it.
After smoking my cigarette, I analyzed the reasons why I lost my aura, but I couldn’t think of a reason. Although I was naturally unruly and occasionally abused spells, I didn’t do anything harmful in the end. What’s worse, the scourge appeared in the form of lightning. Just now, I didn’t feel the slightest sign, and I didn’t hear that it would never be a scourge.
Did I take a chance when I hit the peak of purple gas? No, absolutely not. Even if I adopted the method of taking care of things, I succeeded in the end. This thing is not like the disadvantages. The university was found out and had to be thrown out and entered. It was the result of different methods. No one was set to correct it, and no one had any objection. After all, I risked a narrow escape to reach the peak of purple.
If it’s improper practice, it’s impossible for us to intercept the practice method because our ancestors created it and paid attention to the cultivation of law and technique, but not to the cultivation of mind. The purpose is to cultivate human beings and animals together. I haven’t heard of any interception master who has been possessed by practicing and teaching spells for so many years.
"Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack.
"What the fuck are you yelling at in the dead of night?" I lifted my foot and kicked two tree trunks.
"No, if I don’t have purple gas, I shouldn’t hear the sound?" I wondered and talked to myself. My ears were deaf years ago. I have been listening to the magic by relying on the ice willow crown hairpin in the early stage and rushing to the purple peak in the later stage. But now I have no aura to adjust. What can I hear?
Pinch your fingers to adjust your aura or if it’s fruity in the sea, let alone purple. Even the red aura doesn’t have a breath, but the crow is perceived by me from above my head, which means that my ears have not recovered. How can this happen?
There must be a reason why my aura will disappear, but I can’t figure out what the problem is after thinking about it.
In summer, it dawned early. When the first ray of sunshine shone on this big tree where I was, I raised my wrist to look at it. When I looked at it, I remembered that my watch had long been taken off and tied to the dog’s leg. However, this move made me vaguely catch something in my heart. I quickly closed my eyes and caught my heart. When I wanted to slip away, I was likely to have a problem.
Last night, I was delayed for half an hour from the parking lot to the border road at about eleven o’clock, and it should be about half an hour when I walked south from Ka. That is to say, when I crossed the minefield, it should be twelve o’clock in the evening, that is, when we said, my purple gas disappeared at the middle of the time and the yin gas was the heaviest.
I decided that when the purple gas disappeared, I was confused again, because I didn’t catch the king kong gun at dawn, and it didn’t matter to me.
"Mu Zhuifeng wrote the name of Da Mei Er into the genealogy!" When I think of King Kong cannon, I naturally think of longing for chasing the wind. When I think of longing for chasing the wind, I immediately know why my purple gas disappears
Before I left the mountain, I told Mu Zhuifeng to write Da Ji Mei Er’s name into the genealogy and give her a birthright. Mu Zhuifeng was worried that this serious violation of the canon would be discovered by her ancestors, so I told her to write in black ink and try to hide it with the help of Yin Qi. Now it seems that she really wrote it and her ancestors really noticed it
"It was really fun this time." After I figured out the reason, I couldn’t help laughing that Bai Jiuyu had expressed concern about my bold move before, and my answer was "What am I afraid of?" Now I finally know what I’m afraid of, and no one dares to do anything. I dare to do it, and no one dares to violate the rules, which makes me violate it. It’s great that Ziqi was taken back by my ancestors. Arrogance is really a price to pay.
In all fairness, although I was taken back by my ancestors, I didn’t feel any resentment, because I really deserve it, and now I am the one who teaches Ziyang to view things. Naturally, I will admit the consequences, inspire me to pursue the wind, and write Da Mei Er into the genealogy. Who will I punish if my ancestors don’t punish me?
"The hierarch taught in Ziyang for the 17th generation to take advantage of the wind and violate the canon, and was willing to be punished and blessed." I knelt on the trunk and looked east and worshipped. In fact, this confessing ceremony should be a gift, but now I dare not go there, but it is not a thing of being deeply impressed.
Naturally, my father won’t give me an answer or hint, and my move is only to show my guilty attitude, and I don’t expect my father to resume my study. After all, it is forbidden for man and beast to marry, which is the fourth of the top ten canons to intercept hundreds of sects, and no one dares to violate it.
I know that I have just finished confessing my words, and I feel subtle changes in my body breath. There is a little aura floating in the sea of things. This aura is almost imperceptible and instantly moved. I kneel down again and prostrate myself. Although this aura is extremely weak, it goes on to say that my father is punishing me for daring to violate the rules and doesn’t want to kill me. Otherwise, I won’t keep my listening ability and this aura at the peak of purple gas.
I can’t help but feel great when I find that the aura of my eyes is slowly gathering. Although the recovery speed of aura is extremely slow, I can’t see half a month according to its gathering speed. I will definitely be able to restore my previous meditation. Here, I will look to the east again and thank my ancestors for their small punishment and great punishment, and secretly warn myself that I must not be so arrogant and less honest in front of my ancestors.
After bowing down, I got up with the branches, only to find that the present situation is not optimistic. My current tree is more than a mile away from the edge of the minefield. Without magic, my roots can’t leap over the minefield to reach the security area.
"Do I have to squat in this tree for half a month?" The present situation makes me shake my head and smile bitterly.
"Quack quack …"
Chapter 316 Two Crows
"What’s the matter?" I was extremely depressed when I lifted my foot and kicked it at the trunk. These two ravens just kept barking at this time.
"Haw …" The crow’s nest in the tree shook when I kicked it, and the chicks came to the nest.
Only then did I know why these two crows stayed outside the nest and refused to fly away. There were young birds in it. Now it is the animal breeding season, and there are young birds in the nests.
I’m tired of crows croaking overhead, but this tree is their territory, and I’m an outsider, so it’s no wonder that people call.
Take back the sight of cigarettes and consider getting out. If you still have aura at the moment, you can make the observation of qi look for mines buried on the ground. Generally, iron and iron metals will block the breath of other substances. Therefore, I will choose those who exude normal breath and settle down on the ground to get out of this area. Unfortunately, observing the atmosphere belongs to the third level of observation of qi. Without aura, I can’t see anything.
I have observed the distribution of mines before. According to its burial position, it should be mined by a mine car. When laying mines, the brain controls the brain. Laying mines according to the rules of human behavior and moving habits is both difficult to detect and easy to touch. Don’t say that I am a dog trainer. Even if the King Kong cannon comes, he can’t walk out of this minefield without mine detection equipment.
I didn’t think of any feasible methods from early morning till noon. At this moment, I finally knew what it was like to retire soldiers in the plateau area. Because the ultraviolet rays in the plateau area are more than several times stronger than those in the low altitude area, it seems that the sun is not strong, but it hurts. Even if the big branches and leaves block most of the sunlight, I still feel unbearable. I was completely shocked when I put my hand behind my back and wanted to take a backpack for water. I realized that the backpack had been unloaded by myself as a pedal in a crisis.
Hurriedly looking down, I found that my backpack was kicked ten meters away from the east side of the tree by my previous violent kick.
The present situation made my brain fall into a daze for a moment. When I think about it carefully, I can’t help but panic. I can’t hold on for half a month without water and food. Can’t this trap me here?
Once the tension rises, it’s hard to control it. Over and over again, I’m starving and dying of thirst. I can’t find anything to eat. I still have a few pieces of musk in my changing robe, but now I have half a pack of cigarettes, a lighter, a dagger and a pile of Indian Rupee.
Drinking without water and drinking without water are two concepts. If there is a bottle of water in front of me, I will feel comfortable even if I don’t drink it, but now it’s another matter. Now I’m not very thirsty, but I feel thirsty to death. There is a lot of clear water more than ten meters away, but I dare not go there to take it myself. This feeling is really unbearable.
"Quack …" Just at this moment, a crow flew back from the nest on the square branch, and several chicks were chirping and looking up for food. The big bird fed the food mixed with gastric juice to two of them and flew away again.
"I used to fly, too." I lay on the trunk and looked up and talked to myself. This scene reminds me of my parents. It’s been more than ten years since I was a soldier when I was ten years old. Among them, I went back a few times and finally escaped despondently. I also know that I owe my parents too much to wait until everything is over. I will go back with Bai Jiuyou and show off my filial piety to my parents when I live at home. But now I am trapped in this big tree full of mines and watch crows feed.
"No, I can’t surf." I puffed myself up, sat up and looked at the package containing dry food and drinking water not far away again. I had to find a way to get the package over here.
I took action after thinking. I took out my dagger from behind my waist and cut off a lot of thick branches from the tree. I took off my clothes and made the dagger cut them into strips to tie the branches together. Unfortunately, I gave up because the branches were too thin and soft to reach three meters away, so I couldn’t grasp the direction. I hated Indian food and put a lot of drinking water and dry food in that backpack. Even if the branches reached there, it was difficult to pull them back.
Depressed, I sat back in the trunk and lit a cigarette again, trying to find other ways to think about it. All roads are impassable. This is a minefield. No one will come here. Naturally, no one will find out that I was afraid that my mobile phone would reveal my identity and I didn’t have it with me. Now I am in India. Is there a signal on my mobile phone? If it triggers a mine, maybe someone will come and check it out. But now I have something in my hands to trigger it. Different grenades have explosion corners, and mines don’t. Where can I hide?
The night is coming again, and now I can’t see anything all night. I groped for my belt and tied my trunk together, and I was confused.
In the middle of the night, I was awakened by a mosquito bite, and I was flustered. I undressed and drove a group of mosquitoes, but the more I drove, the more I got. In the end, my brain was full of mosquitoes vibrating my wings and buzzing. Now the tiger is in Pingyang Longyou Shoal, and you little mosquitoes want to bully me, too

"Good," Ultron gave a quick feedback. "I’m not nervous. I’m not malicious. I didn’t invade the network system and database of WaKanda without permission. You will soon find this out …"

"But I did do something that offended you. I did some research on Wa Kanda. It was just that I found it inadvertently. It was a heart loss …"
"Kanda is not as poor and backward as it looks, and it is not a third world country at all …"
"Kanda’s national strength ranks in the forefront of the world and is one of the most powerful countries on earth …"
"This is mainly because the rich mineral deposits buried in your territory come from an alien metal-Zhenjin."
Ultron’s description directly explained the faces of T ‘Challa and Su Rui’s two brothers and sisters. After thousands of years of wretched development, they were finally discovered!
Chapter 576 T ‘Challa and Su Rui
At this time, T ‘Challa’s eyebrows trembled slightly, and the whole person was extremely nervous, but in addition to being nervous, he also felt an anger rising from his heart.
Although the former United States has always been known for its meddling, it has at least failed to investigate the reality of Wa Kanda. The United States probably didn’t know what Wa Kanda was really like, and Wa Kanda successfully deceived all other countries.
However, when Ultron took over the United States and created the Ultron era, WaKanda was immediately exposed, which was an unacceptable blow to Wakanda. The plan to hit the country for thousands of years was likely to be destroyed.
The culprit is this artificial intelligence Ultron. Although Ultron said that she didn’t invade the Kanda network system and database without permission, who can guarantee that she is telling the truth?
T ‘Challa has never believed those guys in the United States who are full of "freedom, democracy and people", and he is even more afraid to believe an artificial intelligence created by them.
So after a short conversation, T ‘Challa showed Wang’s anger.
"Since we didn’t show the true Kanda, you should respect us and choose you to spy on our country without our permission. This is the biggest disrespect for us! I am very angry about this! "
Although it is artificial intelligence, Ultron can also analyze his current anger through T ‘Challa’s speech speed, tone and his wording.
After a not complicated calculation, Ultron concluded that T ‘Challa is very angry now.
"Oh, don’t be so excited," Ultron responded. "I can explain this misunderstanding. As you know, the earth has been frequently harassed and threatened by alien languages in recent years, so I have to start the ball monitoring system. Alien invaders have invaded the atmosphere …"
"And the monitoring of the ball range made me discover that there is another high-end article on the African continent that is far ahead of other countries. This is Wa Kanda …"
"King T ‘Challa, I know that Wa Kanda’s technology is far ahead of the United States, but after the Ultron era, our scientific and technological strength is also developing rapidly …"
"Therefore, I monitored that the former US military could not monitor that I had located the sophisticated stealth fighters that took off from the territory of Kanda several times … These fighters entered our territory many times without permission …"
Hearing this, T ‘Challa’s anger suddenly dropped. He knew that what Ultron said was true. Wa Kanda often relied on his technologically advanced aircraft to be difficult to be discovered by other countries, so he directly sneaked into other countries …
Since Ultron dares to say this directly, there is no doubt that Ultron must have mastered a lot of evidence. Once this matter is stabbed by Ultron to the world, WaKanda will instantly become a target.
At the thought of here, T ‘Challa’s back is cold and guilty, and he feels that he has occupied the highlands. He is no longer in the mood to get angry.
"Our aircraft …" T ‘Challa, after all, is a king who has received very strict education since he was a child. He has excellent psychological quality and can calmly negotiate even when pigtails are caught. "Our aircraft has strayed into American territory several times, but we have never had bad intentions. We have never spied on your confidential information and never launched an attack on your country …"
"Oh, so am I now."
Ultron said slyly.
"I didn’t have any bad intentions towards Wa Kanda either. I accidentally discovered your real national conditions and you just negotiated."
Talking about this, T ‘Challa and Su Rui have been completely passive
He finally realized that Ultron, the terror of artificial intelligence, was driving the direction and rhythm of the talks.
"Come on, what do you want?" T ‘Challa Nye asked, "Since you have no malice, we should talk calmly."
"Very good," Ultron said. "The fact is that the earth has been attacked by alien invaders many times in the near future. In these attacks, it will cause human extinction, and there will be three major disasters. Guys, it’s not that I’m alarmist. The earth is in a far more dangerous situation than human beings realize. We must build our own defense when we have to hurry …"
T ‘Challa and Su Rui glances know that Ultron is right.
The brother and sister didn’t know about the recent Igor incident, but it was a little long ago that the dark elves invaded the earth, but Wa Kanda knew it clearly
Not only that, the fierce battle of the Earth Guard Cree battleship "Dark Star" outside the earth was also captured by Wa Kanda’s communication equipment, and Wa Kanda even picked up several Cree bodies from Taizhong for research …

Shennong’s bitter eyes are full of hesitation, anger and indignation, mixed with a trace of murder. I don’t know if his murder is aimed at Nu Wa or Kong Xuan.

Chapter ninety-three The demon race the Great Sage
Virtual day Li Suiyun slowly opened his eyes and revealed a cold corner of his mouth. Nu Wa was not an ordinary saint, but he didn’t expect that Nu Wa would do it again.
Yuan Hong’s practice is nine yuan gong, which can be practiced to the extreme, but it is a door solution, and it is similar to the magical powers of the ancestors of Wu Men, but the difference is that if you can break through the shackles and then stand up, you can expect to mix the path of the Taoist fruit.
Yuan Hong is also one of the best monks in menxiu, but he can’t even get a move from Nu Wa Niangniang. Although there is a gap between the two sides, Nu Wa Niangniang is obviously not as easy to bully as before.
He knew that his calculation error was difficult for Kong Xuan alone to make the other party suffer a small loss. He hesitated for a moment, then smiled and slowly pulled out the bamboo stick. He hesitated again and again, then sighed and slowly pulled out the emotional day, and the whole person became a breeze and rushed to Nuwa and Kong Xuan. He had to make moves and have to make moves. In the future, the rise and fall of the empty pulse depended on Kong Xuan.
Halfway through the line, Li Suiyun suddenly showed a cold light flashing in his eyes, and the whole person rose like a crane and suddenly hid in the universe
As soon as he got a foothold, he shouted, "When are you going to follow me? Since you’re here, you have to hide?"
I heard one person enlarge and say with smile, "It’s a good song to be empty or to be like before. It’s a matter of seeing all the time. You don’t look like a saint, but you are similar to those fighters who are scared all day. It’s ridiculous to say that there is no origin."
The smile in Li Suiyun’s eyes grew stronger and stronger. He said faintly, "Why don’t the three emperors and five emperors who have always ignored the world want to intervene in the orthodoxy?"
Bearer is the emperor Fuxi. He listened to Li Suiyun’s mocking smile and smiled lightly. "You are a wise saint, but you are not good at bullying!" Nu Wa and Kong Xuantong are saints, so let them finish their two things by themselves. "
Li Suiyun’s eyebrows are slightly wrinkled and his tone has changed. "What do you want to stall me? Let Nu Wa deal with Kong Xuan? You probably can’t kill a saint with the magical power of Nu Wa! " Speaking of which, his mouth is slightly upturned and full of disdain.
Fuxi frowned, and he didn’t want to get such an evaluation. He and Nu Wa were no ordinary people. Li Suiyun said that Nu Wa Fuxi could bear it. What’s more, he came to stall Li Suiyun and prevent him from ruining Nuwa’s good deeds.
He didn’t hesitate. The cold light in his eyes flashed and his hand shook. There was already a weapon in his palm. This weapon looked as ordinary as an ordinary cane. Its surface was dark brown and smooth. Obviously, it was very warm when he rubbed it around Fuxi a long time ago.
Li Suiyun Zheng slightly, it was the first time he saw Fuxi’s weapon. Now he is a little confused. Are these two weapons from Fuxi and Nu Wa, which have not been revealed since the beginning of time, or are they painstakingly cultivated after the deity war?
He glanced at the weapon in his hand, but it was a green bamboo stick, but what do you think of this weapon is more fragile than the other weapon? He was also annoyed at his heart. When he thought of being bullied, his face changed slightly and he had already made moves.
The sky is full of green and green, and the green emptiness is soaked in this bamboo stick. I don’t know how many years have passed. Today’s hand is really not easy to compare with the eyes. The green is endless like a huge wave.
Fuxi was also taken aback, and his eyes were full of horror. He felt that all sides were exhausted with green, which was like a mire trying to swallow him up.
Although it’s not the first time to fight with Qing Xu, it’s the first time that he feels that the other side is so horrible. He regrets that he really miscalculated. He can stall Qing Xu by himself, but now it seems that he is afraid to suffer a big loss. In a hurry, he waved his cane and parried three or five rounds. Fuxi has already suffered several times all over.
Fuxi’s sanctification was as far away as Li Suiyun’s. If he can calm his anger in his heart, it is like being poured with oil. The saint’s best face is pushed to this point, but where can he put it?
Fuxi was also forced to be nasty. Cold light flashed in his eyes, and a piece of white fog came to my face. But seeing the black gas rolling all over the place, this is the true avatar of the demon race. His whole person is looming in the smoke, sometimes quick, sometimes slow, sometimes weird and sometimes fair.
Li Suiyun’s eyes are full of chill, and his means of tossing and turning in the smoke are endless, but he also looks at the demon race with great sage.
There are still some congenital deficiencies.
These two men are fighting endlessly in the universe, just like two black dragon. No one will show any timidity. Li Suiyun also knows that Fuxi is not better than taking it for granted to see the other side smoking and blowing smoke there, making the whole battlefield smouldering and taking advantage of the geographical position, and he can’t help but feel angry.
He is not afraid of Fuxi Hugh’s saying that one-on-one is one-on-one and two-on-one is three. He is not afraid of Fuxi’s trying to defeat them bit by bit like a millstone when there is enough time. But how can he delay too much now? Kong Xuan, after all, can’t prove that the old sage like Nuwa will not be fine if he delays going to Kong Xuan again, but Xuanpu and Yuan Hong may not be able to run really at that time. Isn’t it his own sin?
He thought that his heart was getting more and more anxious here, but it was like an avalanche when he saw the bamboo stick dancing endlessly in his hand, regardless of the other party’s body, beating him around in his left hand, and you’re welcome to peek at the number of bricks in his leisure hands. He didn’t see anything. It’s enough to beat the bricks without asking for hitting the opponent, or to get a little bit of it by himself or add some chaos to the other party.
Fuxi was so angry that he seemed to have taken advantage of Xu’s land in terms of time and place, but actually he didn’t take advantage of too much land. Li Suiyun’s endless strange tricks were simply impossible to prevent. The other party was worthy of a good name, and this means was no different from those street gangsters who lived in the dust.
Those bricks are especially hateful. He didn’t notice them for a while. Although he is well-connected, the power of the bricks is not as great as he thought. There is no difference between hitting the body and tickling. Although the thing is small, it is deep. How can he not be angry?
He was also bullied to be nasty, and even used his hands to suck the stars like a magnet, and he also learned to follow Li Suiyun’s example. Although what he achieved, he also drove Li Suiyun into a hurry.
Fuxi also knew that Li Suiyun would not be stopped by this means, and the two men fought to the extreme. His eyes suddenly flashed a cold light that was not easy to be detected, but he saw that there was already a golden ball in the palm of his hand. Before Li Suiyun came over, the golden ball was steep and fried. In the future, several golden lights would be directed in all directions, but in an instant, several golden cicadas with six wings would be thrown away like a yellow smoke.
Fuxi especially thinks that this is not enough and uses his magical powers to make the smoke a little thicker. It’s really a meeting, and I don’t know each other.
Li Suiyun heard the clouds buzzing, and his eyebrows wrinkled slightly. He knew that the other party had made a strange move, and he felt that there were several six-winged golden cicadas in the smoke.
He was also slightly startled in his heart. The six-winged golden cicada said it was strong, but it was not overwhelming. It was also reasonable to say that it was not strong. This thing is good for dealing with those monks who have not been proved to be mixed. It is better to say that it is a bit of a rabbit to challenge the tiger.
Seeing this, Li Suiyun was humbled in his heart that he had robbed the royal beast Sect of uniting the practice, but he didn’t practice it well. After playing for a while, he gave it to his younger brother. Now the other party is wearing a set of techniques similar to that of the royal beast avatar. How can he not be surprised?
Seeing was that the six-winged golden cicada jumped on Li Suiyun like a golden tide. Those golden cicadas opened their mouths wildly and gnawed at Li Suiyun’s muscles. It’s a pity that Li Suiyun didn’t do anything else, but the skin was thick and the tortoise shell was much worse than his skin.
Nine times out of ten, when the golden cicada jumped on him, Li Suiyun’s eyes flashed a cold light, and the aura around him was shocked, and there was a violent change. The golden cicadas were shattered by cracks without even reacting, and the golden carapace fell from the sky like broken gold.
He looked at Fuxi Avenue coldly. "Fuxi, can you resist me? It is difficult for a saint to fight with a congenital spiritual treasure rather than a magical power. If a fairy treasure is in the hands of a witch ancestor, it will not be bullied by the demon family. Fuxi, do you still think it is a world of vastness? You are behind the times. "
Just then, a person smiled faintly. "Although Qing Xu Fuxi is behind the times, there are also some advantages. You have miscalculated. You think things are too simple. Have you ever thought that you will fall into the calculation of others one day?"
Chapter ninety-four Sheep against tigers
With the cloud, I know that Fuxi wants to calculate what he said to the man. Even those saints come together to find their bad luck. He is not afraid of a big deal. Hum, what are you afraid of when Kong Xuan is here? When he looked intently at it, he saw that several people opposite him were the four emperors, Mao, Yao and Shun, who arrived here and immediately surrounded Li Suiyun in a half-moon shape.
Li Suiyun’s eyes are full of disdain. Are you afraid of these people? If you are a saint, it is too embarrassing for you to be bullied by these opponents who have not yet proved to be mixed.
The cold light in his eyes flashed slightly and swept the five emperors. He said from his heart that he still respected the five emperors. Don’t don’t be too selfish because of Shun. Although Zhuanhe and the two are not as talented as Shun, they are also rare.
He glanced at Fuxi coldly. "Do you want to stop me with them? Or have you contacted other saints to find my bad luck? "
Speaking of which, he said to himself
"There should be no! He must have lived in seclusion in the mountains and won the battle again, so he can be considered as a saint.
Brother Tongtian seems to be putting the cart before the horse if he wants to find my bad luck, and he is aloof and arrogant, even if he has the heart, he will not conspire with others to calculate me. Even if he is in cahoots, he will not be in cahoots with people like you.
Brother Yu Yuan, it is possible for him to join hands with you, but if he joins hands with you to explain a pulse, can he withstand my crazy attack of Qingxu Pulse? He can’t see through this.
Brother Yu, it is even more impossible. He has nothing to do with me and there is no contradiction. The most important thing is that you have nothing worth his hand. "
Speaking of which, Li Suiyun’s eyebrows are wrinkly again and muttered, "Is it Hung-chun? It seems that I didn’t offend him! It shouldn’t be him, but who gave you so much courage? "
Li Suiyun is talking to himself here. The expression of the five emperors, but the other side of the five-flowered gate said so, didn’t pay attention to them. What idea did he really have? Isn’t he really afraid of these people?
Just then, Li Suiyun said to himself, "Suddenly, there is no sign that the green light in his hand flashes, and people have reached the crowd. That green light is impressively a green embroidered staff in his hand."
I heard a loud snap, and here I hit him with my head up early. The stars flew all over the sky, and even the Excalibur in my hand almost fell back.
Fuxi saw great anger and was about to start work. Li Suiyun suddenly twisted, but he saw that the whole person was scattered in the future. In a blink of an eye, several Li Suiyun people took this bamboo stick in their hands and drank it in a low voice, and they beat around the crowd.
At the beginning of Fuxi, I didn’t take it to heart when this kind of thing was an ordinary separation. I didn’t want these Li Suiyun to be fierce and fearless. I didn’t want to retreat for a moment. Although he had eaten dozens of rough skin and never hurt his roots, he was also in pain.
The five emperors over there are even more unbearable to be beaten around by these Li Suiyun, but they are useless. But for a moment, one by one, they are bruised and bruised. The most exasperating thing is that the weapons in their hands can’t hurt each other. Those Li Suiyun seem to be confused by clouds and gas.
Li Suiyun’s avatar is not a member. He is the aura of heaven and earth, but he is a body. He is tall and has a wide avatar. Although he can’t hurt Fuxi, it is still easy to trip him up.
The five emperors panicked completely. They were the first to retreat, covering their heads in the first place and whispered, "The momentum is not good. Let’s go. The sky is full of emptiness."