
1. **抗氧化作用**:硒是一种强效的抗氧化剂,能够中和体内的氧自由基,减少自由基对细胞、蛋白质和DNA的损害,从而降低患心血管疾病、癌症和糖尿病等疾病的风险。


2. **增强免疫力**:硒对免疫系统具有重要作用,能够增强免疫细胞的活性,促进淋巴细胞的增殖和分化,提高机体对病原体的抵抗能力,减少感染和炎症的发生。


3. **保护心血管健康**:硒有助于降低血液中的胆固醇水平,减少动脉壁上脂质斑块的形成,降低心血管疾病的风险,并有助于调节血压和维持血管的弹性。

4. **维护甲状腺功能**:硒对甲状腺的正常运作至关重要,参与甲状腺激素的合成和代谢,有助于调节新陈代谢和能量消耗。

5. **保护肝脏**:硒能够预防肝炎、脂肪肝等肝脏疾病,并加速酒精的分解代谢,保护肝脏免受损害。

6. **细胞保护与修复**:硒能保护细胞膜结构,防止氧化损伤,从而保护心、肝、肾、肺等重要脏器。

7. **防癌抗癌**:硒能够抑制癌细胞的分裂和增殖,抑制多种致癌物质的致癌作用,对多种癌症具有预防作用。

8. **延缓衰老**:硒能减缓细胞衰老的速度,回复胶纤维和弹力纤维的弹性,减轻化妆品、空气污染、二手烟等对皮肤的伤害,具有很好的美容抗衰老功效。

9. **生殖功能**:硒对生殖功能具有积极作用,能够提高精子活力,降低受胎率降低和子宫炎发病率。


10. **预防多种疾病**:硒的摄入与多种疾病的发生率呈负相关,如心肌病、冠心病、高血压、高血脂、糖尿病、肝炎、肝癌等。



1. **血液循环与体力恢复**:石榴石被认为能够促进血液循环,对于经常熬夜或加班的人来说,佩戴石榴石手链等饰品可以有助于恢复体力。

2. **美容养颜**:石榴石与女性之石的美誉有关,它被认为能增进活力,从而达到美容养颜的功效。这可能是由于其能调节气血,补充下三轮的能量,对于体质较弱的女性尤其有益。

3. **妇科健康**:石榴石对应人体七轮中的海底轮,能够调节气血,对于改善妇科毛病有一定的作用。


4. **精神健康**:石榴石代表忠诚、爱和贞洁,可以让人自信,对抗忧郁,改善心情。

5. **防辐射**:石榴石含有放射性元素钇,因此具有一定的辐射。但研究表明,这种辐射对人体构不成威胁,可以放心佩戴。


6. **抗氧化与预防慢性疾病**:石榴石中的抗氧化物质如鞣花酸和膳食纤维具有益生元效果,能促进肠道乳酸杆菌和双歧杆菌生长,调节菌群,提升消化健康。

7. **抗炎与抗菌**:石榴及其成分如鞣花酸、对羟基内核酸等,被报道具有抗炎和抗菌作用,可用于治疗感染和胃肠道疾病。

8. **预防癌症**:石榴及其成分被认为可能有助于遏制各种形式的癌症。

9. **心血管健康**:石榴汁被证明对心血管系统有益,尤其是对于接受血液透析的患者。

10. **皮肤健康**:石榴汁富含抗氧化剂,可以保护皮肤细胞免受UVB辐射引起的氧化应激,有助于预防皮肤癌。



1. **性别多样性**:男宝宝可以增加家庭成员的性别多样性,有助于孩子从小接触不同的性别角色,培养性别平等的观念。


2. **家庭延续**:在很多文化中,男宝宝被看作是家族延续和香火传承的重要载体。

3. **性格特点**:通常男宝宝可能更加活泼、好奇和好动,这有助于他们在户外活动和体育活动中表现出色。


4. **教育角色**:在家庭教育中,父母可能会根据孩子的性别特点采取不同的教育方法,这对孩子的个性发展可能有益。

5. **职业选择**:在某些职业领域,男性可能面临更多的机会和挑战,如军事、某些工程和建筑行业。

6. **家庭责任感**:男宝宝长大成人后,可能会在家庭中承担更多的责任,如经济支持、家庭维护等。

7. **亲子互动**:父亲与儿子之间的互动可能有助于培养孩子的独立性和男子气概。

8. **社会地位**:在某些社会和文化中,男性可能享有更高的社会地位,这可能会影响家庭的社会关系。



1. **清热解毒**:许多中草药具有清热解毒的作用,可以用来治疗由热毒引起的疾病,如金银花、菊花、板蓝根等。这些草药能够帮助身体排除毒素,恢复健康。


2. **补益气血**:中草药如西洋参、枸杞、人参等,能够补充身体所需的营养,增强体质,提高免疫力。这些草药对于贫血、体弱多病等情况有很好的改善作用。

3. **扶正固本**:扶正固本的中草药如黄芪、茯苓、党参等,能够增强体质,调整身体机能,提高抵抗力。这些草药常用于增强身体,预防疾病。

4. **调理脏腑功能**:中草药可以根据不同的身体症状,针对性地调理脏腑功能。例如,当归可以补血活血,适用于月经不调、血虚闭经等女性常见病;黄芪则能补气生血,强肺肝而健脾胃。

5. **治疗特定疾病**:许多中草药对特定疾病有显著的治疗效果。如蒲公英与玫瑰花的搭配,有助于肝脏和胃部的健康,对酒精肝、乳腺增生、胃部溃疡等有预防和缓解作用。

6. **促进新陈代谢**:某些中草药如瓜蒌、麦冬等,能够润肺化痰,散结滑肠,促进身体的新陈代谢,有助于排毒。

7. **抗炎抗菌**:中草药如白花蛇舌草、半枝莲等,具有清热解毒、消痈散结、利尿除湿的功效,对于炎症、感染性疾病有一定的治疗作用。

8. **调经止痛**:一些中草药如川芎、白芍等,具有活血祛瘀、行气开郁、收敛止血的作用,适用于痛经、经血不畅等女性问题。


– 在使用中草药前,最好到医院做检查,以判断身体情况。
– 需在医生指导下使用中草药,避免自行乱用。
– 根据个人体质和具体病情,调整用药种类和剂量。
– 注意中草药的毒副作用,避免过量使用。


Northridge king nodded.

Tang Qinger added, "By the way, Dad, I brought two friends back."
"Little nephew Shen Tuying visits King Beiling!"
South Lin Shaozhu hurriedly visited before and looked respectful.
"Shen Tuying"
King of Beiling: "Don’t be a master in Nanlin. How’s your father recently?"
Master Nan Lin hurriedly said, "My father’s physical illness is that he misses you and has no chance to get together with you."
Two people exchange pleasantries.
The absent-minded king of Beiling seems to know that Tang Qinger’s master in Nanlin is not difficult for him.
Accurately speaking, the attention root of King Beiling is not in Nanlin, and the main body is still paying attention to Wudao Zun!
"And this wild martial friend."
Tang Qinger briefly described the process of getting to know each other. "Dad, you won’t be angry if I take the initiative to resolve this matter under your banner, will you?"
"If a northern Xuan Ming is dying, it will die."
King Beiling waved his hand and said, "What dare you say even if you kill several prison kings?"
Pause a little Northridge Wang Cai and look at Wu Daozun’s eyes. There is a breathtaking light, and a huge pressure slowly enveloped!
Shen Beiling Wang’s eyesight is far better than Tang Qinger and others.
Although he can’t see the depth of Wudao Zun, he can clearly feel that Wudao Zun can never be a prisoner!
"Are you really from heaven?"
Northridge king asked slowly.
Facing the king of Beiling, Wu Daozun looked calm and said, "And I want to ask you about it as if I were going back to heaven."
Chen Boda shouted, "How dare you talk to the king like this when you don’t worship him!"
Although Wu Daozun is in the square, he has stood up and never saluted King Beiling since he entered the bedroom.
He just sounded more like he was communicating with his peers without any respect.
Even Tang Qing-erh made a sweat for budo Zun.
If father really blames her for this, she won’t be able to protect Wu Daozun.
Not to mention the fact that Wu Daozun came from heaven alone is enough for my father to kill him!
"Ha ha ha ha!"
King Beiling burst out laughing, and the laughter resounded through the palace, and there was a deafening and overbearing atmosphere!
King Beiling looked at Wudao Zun and smiled somberly and slowly. "Since you have come to hell, you can’t go back!"
Wu Daozun frowned slightly.
Is he really trapped in hell?
What is the so-called nine hell emperors in the hell world?
What is the purpose of the old monk guarding the tomb pushing him here?

"Well, I’m willing to lose the bet. Have you figured out how to please me?" Qin Changfeng’s complexion remains unchanged, and he secretly adjusts the position of the heavy pupil suspended above his head to get a better peeping position, so that the ravine can be seen at the same time.

Moon Chan leans his head and gently brushes a strand of long hair from his chest behind his ear and laughs. "What does Brother Dao want?"
She naturally found Fang’s eye, but she didn’t know the secret, so she didn’t take it too seriously.
"I want you to … mend the sky and double-body cultivation" Qin Changfeng deliberately paused in the middle to flirt with her, but it was not appropriate
Yuechan seems to have expected that he asked to hand me two pieces of bones flashing with dense runes directly.
Qin Changfeng didn’t expect her to be so simply surprised. "Are you so frank and not afraid of patching up the sky and teaching the stubborn old man to find you trouble?"
As the saying goes, the law is not light, and the consequences of this top-level treasure art, such as mending the sky, are very serious
Of course, my mouth says so, but I can put away my precious bones faster than anyone else.
"I’ve told the Presbyterian Church that you’re married." Chanchan’s tone is dull and her white face has quietly set off a trace of hongxia.
Obviously, after becoming a member of the family, it will be nothing more than nothing. In addition, Qin Changfeng forgot that this world also has the skill of mending heaven. He thinks that he doesn’t have to teach from mending heaven, and he really needs to open his mouth to save the kindness of mending heaven.
Yu’s double-body cultivation method is what she exchanged from the immortal temple people, so it doesn’t belong to the nature of mending heaven, and it doesn’t need to be taken care of.
It’s a saint. This figure is perfect. From a perspective, it’s like a perfect carcass covered with a thin veil, which makes people’s blood gush.
Qin Changfeng solemnly replied while enjoying the rare and beautiful things in this world, "Do you tie the knot?" It’s not like an ice-cold fairy act to take the initiative. "
"Other men are naturally dismissive of Yuechan, but if it is Changfeng, you will be different. Only a beautiful man like you can make me fall in love. To some extent, you are my best choice and I … will be your best choice." Yuechan recovered her indifference and holiness, although it was slightly disgusting.
Am I really so charming?
Qin Changfeng is deep in thought. One thing he must admit is that it is not difficult for him to attract a group of fans with his appearance and talent. However, it is a bit exaggerated to make a mending fairy take the initiative.
"It’s not your main idea to sacrifice a critical person to get close to me in this way and get my secret, is it?" Qin Changfeng opened his eyes and looked suspicious at her.
He says whatever comes to his mind without any scruples. Anyway, he has got two treasures and he will leave her soon. What do you want?
And he has a feeling that this may be really close to the truth.
"My body and my body are one and the same. Besides, am I such a person in your heart?" Chanchan’s eyes are blurred and mist pours out as if she were about to cry.
"Play fine! In my heart, you are really such people! "
Qin Changfeng lamented a sentence in his heart and then said, "I apologize if I misunderstood you, but I’m sorry I still can’t promise you."
"I have long said that this kind of thing should pay attention to the right door, but you don’t deserve me to talk about talent or appearance."
Yuechan "…"
I think she is a saint of mending heaven. Even in the world, her status is noble. If she doesn’t deserve the whole 3,000 world, she can’t find anyone who deserves it.
"In fact, if you want to be white, a woman must learn to be independent, not too dependent on men, and have her own career. This is a meaningful life. I hope that in the future, people will talk about you as a peacock instead of a peacock!"
Qin Changfeng is like a pair of pants, and he doesn’t recognize people’s nonsense. Even then, he didn’t break the double pupil perspective function
"So, after all, you and I get to know each other. I’ll give you two promises. First, you can say that I am a mending brother. Second, I’m your formula, which contains the secrets of my five godsend treasures. If you can understand that your peers are equal except me, the Emperor of the Immortal Hall is like dirt in front of you! "
Qin Changfeng said that when he came to the front of Yuechan, his body gradually floated to a half, and then his legs rolled up and his left hand appeared. One treasure bottle was Kunpeng’s treasure bottle, and his right hand was printed. The orchid finger stood upright, and nine real dragons were wound into a ring, just like a nine-colored dragon lotus blooming to form a lotus stand, which held him in the back of his head, and a cloud nine emerged. The whole person looked solemn and luxurious, which made people respect.
Against the background of all kinds of skills, brilliance, meaning and fluctuation, at this moment, he is more holy than Buddha’s nature, and he is like a reincarnation of a bodhisattva.
Looking at this appearance alone can definitely shock the God as the leader.
Chanchan took a deep breath, stared intently, and unconsciously floated to imitate this posture.
Seeing her legs sitting cross-legged, her hair falling like satin and white gauze, showing the appearance of a cold fairy and a sense of holiness, was born from her heart, which made people look at it at first sight and never move their eyes again.
However, Qin Changfeng is not the heavy pupil. Because of the posture, the holy fairy has even exhibited the valley.
"What is the name of this type?" Chanchan deeply stared at some secret method, which deeply branded Qin Changfeng at this time, together with the artistic conception of light.
Qin Changfeng solemnly spit out four words "Guanyin sitting on a lotus!"
"Guanyin sitting on a lotus …" Chanchan murmured, like Gao Bao’s tactic, and these four words came to mind deeply.
The teaching has been taught that what can be understood depends on her own nature, so that Qin Changfeng’s conscience is more stable.
"Miss, is this style of treasure reliable?" Stay on chan after leaving the terrace waiting for you in the not far away greeted with an old woman immediately indecision way
"Who can say it well? Give it to the time to get a certificate." Moon Chan smiled quietly. "Don’t forget that there will be many people in the 3,000-year-old world against him. Will a peacock god protect him? He still has to rely on us to mend heaven and talk about other things at that time. "
At the same time, on the terrace, Chizuru Kagura’s figure also appeared in a faint tunnel. "Do you need me to report truthfully when I go back?"
"Is there anything wrong with the holy word Guanyin sitting on a lotus?" Qin Changfeng a face of koo and then cold hum a way "besides, you don’t have a chance to complain this time"
"How do you say?"
"You have to stay here and help me control the development of all ethnic groups. By the way, you can fix it yourself. If you don’t work hard, you can’t keep up with me."
A moment later, Chizuru Kagura left quietly. She knew that this was the best arrangement. The world really needed someone to help Qin Changfeng control at all times, and her own strength was not so good as the woman behind the so-called king of nations.
With the help of Qin Changfeng staying in Shi Hao and others, she will settle here for a period of time, and when Qin Changfeng comes again, she will certainly be different.
When he was left alone, Qin Changfeng withdrew all his distractions and turned his attention back to the study of the mystery of the heavy pupil bead.
He always had a hunch that the first breakthrough in his life was probably in these two congenital heavy pupils.
The fact that Xing Wei understands the law from the first realm to the second realm is not limited by the realm.

The fact that Yang Guang lay more than 20 kilograms of rice bags really didn’t put any pressure on him.

He is now 69K. According to the theory of qi and blood relativity, his strength has reached 69Kg!
Of course, representing 69 kilograms of strength does not mean that he can handle 69 kilograms of strength, but it is also quite a lot.
Yang San-dao threw his hands at one leng, but then his face smiled.
He couldn’t help secretly feeling that Yang Guang finally grew up and would love his parents less.
In fact, all parents don’t ask for anything in return, they give and love more, but a little gratitude from a woman will make them more moved.
Since ancient times, China has attached great importance to filial piety, among which history is the special evidence of this official.
Yang Sandao is a clown. He doesn’t know so much, but for the first time, he feels Yang Guang’s feedback and his eyes are wet.
However, Comrade Yang Sandao has traveled all over the world for so many years, but he has seen some of the world. Even though he is moved by his mouth, he is as hard as a dead duck, and his hands are behind him to bring the road ahead.
"Yes Yang Guang, where did you get this money?"
Comrade Yang Sandao is more calm and forgiving than Sister Xuan Yi, so he is still eager to know the answer.
Poor, but you can’t lose your roots because of poverty!
"Earn bai! Still earn my money! " Yang guang hasn’t answered yet, but Yang mei pouted and sued first.
"Dad, mom, you don’t know that I managed to get some rich classmates in my class to promise me to help them buy tickets, but the money was earned by Yang Guang! I don’t care if there are two of these three pieces and one is me! "
As she said, Yangmei stretched out her little hand and grabbed the money.
This also got?
Isn’t this against the sky?
Although this girl pretends to be pathetic, Yang Guang knows that Yangmei has earned a lot in the past two days. He has also got seven tickets for Yangmei back and forth, and it is still difficult for ordinary people to buy a viewing ticket.
Even Yangmei’s classmates don’t have so much money, but there are definitely many profits.
Chapter 27 Confession
"What are you doing a little girl want so much money? Besides, it’s none of your business for me to earn any money! " Yang Guang stared at Yang Mei before explaining to Xuan Yi Jie that "Yang Mei said yes, there are several rich fans in his class. Listen to the Zhang Xiaoyu concert and let Yang Mei help buy tickets. You also know that this Zhang Xiaoyu is also a concert tour after all. Those scalpers will naturally not miss this opportunity, and the tickets will naturally be difficult to buy! In order not to let us suffer, Yangmei’s classmates gave some money to run errands. I went out at night to help them buy tickets! "
"hmm!" Comrade Yang Sandao nodded. In fact, he can hum a few Zhang Xiaoyu songs.
However, Yang’s condition is just like that. Naturally, he can’t learn to be like others in idolize, but he still knows more or less about Zhang Xiaoyu’s popularity.
But Sister Xuan Yi is not as good as Comrade Yang Sandao. She frowned. Yang Guang just took it out, but three thousand dollars is not a ticket that can be obtained once or twice.
Besides, the scalper party is not unheard of, although making money for a ticket is two or three hundred dollars, and that kind of work is not for anyone.
Thought of here, Sister Xuan Yi looked at Yang Guang again. He needed an explanation.
Yang guang also knows that this kind of thing can’t be concealed. The main thing is that he didn’t want to hide anything from the Ministry, but he still wants to give his family a little confidence.
After all, as far as the current situation is concerned, if it is Comrade Yang Sandao or Sister Xuan Yi, as before, I hope he is a liberal arts student rather than a martial arts student!
"Of course, a few tickets will definitely not earn so much!" Yang Guang smiled and went on to explain, "But I happened to meet Zhang Xiaoyu when I bought the ticket. She accidentally fell when she went back to the hotel for rehearsal!"
"Is it serious?" Comrade Yang Sandao exclaimed
He’s not Zhang Xiaoyu either. He’s mainly conditioned.
However, Sister Xuan Yi was angry when she got nine yin bones and claws, and she greeted Comrade Yang Sandao with tenderness and pain, and Comrade Yang Sandao twisted his teeth and begged for mercy.
"So you helped her? Then she gave you some tickets in return, didn’t she? "
As soon as Yang Mei’s eyes lit up, she immediately thought of the reason why Yang Guang could get a ticket.
After all, even the gym staff can’t get such tickets, and even if they can, they can’t be cheap to others. After all, every ticket is money! What did Yang Guang say at that time, parents of classmates … She knew it wasn’t that simple!
"Almost! In addition to the concert tickets, she actually gave me a reward of 1W and said that I could ask her for help later! " Yang guang pretended to be grateful and said, "I gave the tickets to Yangmei, and of course she gave me to run away. With this money, I want to cooperate with Yangxue Decoction. I should be sure to take the martial arts exam!"
Yang Guang pointed to the table money again and said to Xuan Yi Jie, "But nourishing blood soup alone is not enough for daily nutrition. You must also trouble Xuan Yi Jie with this three thousand yuan. You should buy more meat during this period, besides me, you, dad and little sister also need to make up for it!"
"We make up everything for a long time, and then it becomes hypertension. I think Yangmei can still get some light with you!" Sister Xuan Yi would rather eat less than mistreat her son, but she still solemnly asked, "Do you really have confidence in taking an examination of martial arts? It’s all my fault that your dad and I didn’t have much money over the years. A few days ago, we bought a house, and the diet was mistreated by you two brothers and sisters. Otherwise … "

"I don’t care who you are, it’s still time to talk." Yang Guang came out of the store and walked into an alley with fewer pedestrians. Then he simply stopped and followed the population behind him

And the other party doesn’t seem to think that their whereabouts have long been discovered by Yang Guang, but will they give up this work at this time?
It’s impossible. On the contrary, they’re still Yang Guang’s gesture. Maybe their hearts are almost scared.
"Little people don’t look so good. The tone is not small. Let’s fuck off? Who are you? "
Yang guang looked at the small bludger in his eyes as if he were looking at a sand sculpture. It’s really hard for him to compliment himself on his understanding of this person. Is that arrogant in that sentence?
He just let the other person go. How did he become crazy?
Forget it. It’s really no fun to argue with these people.
As a result, when these men came at him, the only martial artist also attacked Yang Guang with his physical strength.
What’s this?
In fact, these gangsters are all ordinary people with a division of labor. They dare not move, but people like Yang Guang still like it because they look easy to bully.
Because in this way, you can not only show off your arrogance, but also earn a lot of money.
In their mind, let a few people control Yang Guang’s body first, and then he, a martial artist, will give a thunderbolt to ensure that Yang Guang can be beaten half to death.
They are very skilled in doing such things, but the methods that should be good have failed. It is not that there is a problem with their plans, but that Yang Guang’s strength has undergone a shocking change.
How can ordinary people dare to fight for it by military means? Yang Guangfei is just too different, and because of the current requirements of Shuzhong Wuda University, he can’t show his strength before, but what if he does? The decision is still in your own hands.
If he has made up his mind to go to Shu Zhong Wu Da, no one can stop him.
What if there is something that can stop him from deciding? That must be a lot of money, because if he has money, he can krypton gold, boost his blood and strengthen his strength.
In the face of several people attack Yang Guang easily dodge.
At this time, he showed that his temper was unbearable.
Seriously asked with a straight face, "Are you sure you want to start work? Do you believe that you will die? "
"If you die young, you can be rampant if you don’t die a martial artist," said the first martial artist, who was beside him with a dagger but was impatient. "Eldest brother is talking nonsense with him and will get the money if he hits this ya directly."
Chapter ninety Practitioners unique restrictions
five minutes later
Yang guang made a speech.
"Qin Lord, you said what would happen if I killed someone? What if you are crippled? "
"Are they looking for trouble or are you looking for? If you don’t know the background, try not to die, because many fighters’ families can’t easily hurt it. This is the rule of our fighters association. After all, if everyone hurts fighters’ families, it will be a mess. "
Qin Hai was still very happy when he received Yang Guang’s words. After all, this little boy listened to his suggestion and converged his powerful qi and blood, which was not exposed to the strength of martial arts.
However, I didn’t expect Yang Guang to directly ask about the "murder" as soon as he called.
This startled Qin Hai, who was also afraid that Yang Guang, a gifted martial arts genius, would have a problem or go astray. When the time comes, he would not be able to smoothly enter the middle of Shu, and his big talk must be their loss.
It’s a pity that a talented and capable martial arts student like Yang Guang has delayed his cultivation, which is not only the loss of Wu Da in central Sichuan, but also the loss of ordinary people in flood cities in central Sichuan.
More importantly, Qin Hai is also worried that Yang Guang will die in the middle of the battle. Although it is fierce, it is not an enemy.
If Yang Guangzhen is killed by a senior fighter, who will make the decision?
It’s impossible for the dead to have no manpower to protect them.
Although Qin Hai didn’t know what had happened to Yang Guang, he believed that his military strength would not bully the weak at will, so he told Yang Guang a set of suggestions on how to behave himself.
Yang guang is very understanding of Qin Hai dialect.
A martial art is definitely much stronger than ordinary people. If they are determined to hurt ordinary people, it is simply a one-sided massacre.
If you have a grudge, you will find the enemy’s family to start work, which will cause big problems because many fighters care about the lives of their loved ones.
Empathy If Yang Guang’s parents and sister are killed, he will surely run away.
The consequences will be unpredictable then.
However, this sentence by Qin Hai reveals a common problem of fighters, that is, they did not recognize themselves from the bottom of their hearts as equal to ordinary people unless they were relatives and friends.
After all, Qin Hai didn’t directly stop Yang Guang from killing people, but made a suggestion, and this suggestion still made him pay attention to the background of the other party. If it is a martial arts level, the family members can’t start work at will.
That is to say, if the other party is an ordinary family and has actively offended Yang Guang, it is also feasible for him to be determined to destroy the other party.
"Qin Lord, if it is the other party’s death, but also threatened to give my family a life-threatening wait and see? And they don’t look like their fighters’ families. "
"If you can discuss it, try to discuss it as much as possible. If you are not afraid of retaliation against your family, you can try it."
Yang guang became white after hearing this.
He hesitated and said, "OK, I see."
But Yang guang still gave out the question in his heart before hanging up. "Qin Lord, you said that it is illegal to kill ordinary people at the level of martial arts? Will anyone take care of it If you don’t care, will it be messy? "
"The law may not be in charge, because it is difficult for ordinary police to find a level of escaping from the martial arts, but the rules of the fighters association can manage the specific situation of the fighters association, and you can understand it after you join the Hongcheng fighters association."
Yang guang hangs up and stares at this pile lying on the ground, even afraid to cry, my Lord.
These people include not only those gangsters and a martial arts student, but also several martial arts students who later came to help beat Yang Guang to death.
However, behind Yang Guang’s little strength, he easily solved all the problems for these small miscellaneous fish, and of course, he did not expose his true qi and blood, but regarded himself as a more powerful martial artist.
Although qi and blood have converged to some extent, they are cooperating with the terror and agility of the martial arts, and the other party’s attack can’t even touch his body, let alone hurt him.
Because these people are full of shit, there is still a sense of dependence. Yang Guang deliberately made some heavy hands.
Although they didn’t die, they definitely felt bad, especially those ordinary gangsters who dared to say malicious words and threatened his family’s life were injured.
If the martial arts disciples don’t have timely treatment, maybe they will practice and refine their qi and blood, and even they will be devastated and there will be the possibility of qi and blood backflow.
Reverse flow of qi and blood is also a sign of strength decline.
If ordinary gangsters don’t get timely treatment, they may fall ill later, and they may go to hell one day.
Yang Guang asked with anger, "Did you hear that? Now I give you two ways to die? Still want to live? "

This time, it’s still a steamed bread shop, but it’s more bread making …

Who has leisure to eat bread in this last age?
Yang xiu has something to say …
Mr. Dafang became an old master, his father became his apprentice’s own good friend, and Zhu Jiancheng built a bakery to hire workers.
And when I wake up, there are no more workers who belong to social idlers …
Yang xiu is a language …
On this day, everyone is adapting to the new identity and can’t see who is doing anything.
Yang xiu didn’t practice "the rhythm of all things", which has been five times. According to the normal situation, he should be promoted to the double foundation.
However, Yang Xiu suppressed himself and waited for stability. Besides, he first got an identity in Zongzha, a Tibetan god, and was slowly promoted.
Fu Xialiang and Zhang Yue returned respectively.
They took this opportunity to practice "The Rhythm of Everything" and Fu Xialiang was promoted to Tsukiji. four realms Zhang Yue Tsukiji’s quadruple peak was almost promoted to quintuple.
"Eldest brother is good to come back.
It took us more than a year to get promoted to a higher level.
We’ll get a promotion as soon as you come back! "
Zhang Yue is silent.
For a long time, he said, "I always feel that there is something wrong with this" Wan Zang Recuperate the Illumination Method ".
Yang Xiu asked, "What’s the problem?"
"I don’t know, but I just feel it’s not that simple.
Zang Shen Zong, the clan, likes Zang Zang the most. Let’s study it again. "
Yang Xiu nodded, and Zhang Yue’s intuition was extremely accurate. He said that there must be a problem if there is a problem.
The three of them worked together to study and practice the "Ten Thousand Zangs to Recuperate the Spirit and Illuminate the Light".
This method is very mysterious, and the awakening of the mind condenses a kind of mental light.
This is the illumination of the Illumination Method for Nourishing the Gods in Wan Zang.
Then this mental light condensed into a yuan god.
This yuan god is different from all the yuan gods in the cultivation of immortals.
It’s insignificant, tiny, invisible to the naked eye, and unknowable
If it’s similar, it’s similar to previous nanobots.
Everyone’s concise Yuan God is different and has ten thousand changes, which is the ten thousand treasures of the law of nourishing the gods and lighting.
This kind of Yuan God slowly nurtures tens of billions, but they are insignificant, but they cover the sky and can simulate the vitality of several other clans.
The core difference of many clans is the vitality form of each clan.
The ever-changing characteristics of Taiyi Sect, the true element of all living beings, are absolutely unique.
However, this Tibetan God Sect can simulate the vitality of the Sect with the help of the tiny Yuan God, so that the monks of the Tibetan God Sect can lurk in the Sect without being found.

Fu Yong is like a small sun, and Wang Yue is the energy source that makes the small sun shine.

Yang Jian saw that the surrounding temperature was getting higher and higher. He picked up the mountain axe and kept cutting it to the law chain. Unfortunately, the law chain was not refined by the Jade Emperor, and its strength exceeded that of his hand. It was impossible for Yang Jian to break the root of the law chain by his own strength and mountain axe.
"break!" Yang Jian has a chain of panic in his eyes, and if he keeps chopping, his mother will be roasted to death
Yao Ji said to Yang Jian with tears in his eyes, "Jiro, don’t waste your strength. The chain of this law is not forged by your uncle, but it is impossible for the ancestors to cut off the mountain axe in your hand. You’d better go."
Yang Jian also cried with tears in her cheeks, "Mother, I must save you from the mountain axe in my hand, but it is impossible for a saint to cut the chain of laws constantly."
Yao Ji roared, "Erlang listens to your mother and you go. You can’t save your mother. You want your brother, your sister and you. You three can live. Your mother can smile even if she dies."
Wang Yue shouted to the Jade Emperor, "Hurry up and stop Fuofu. If I do this, not only will my qi and blood energy be absorbed, but Aunt Yang will also be roasted to death by this strong temperature."
The Jade Emperor simply said, "The suppression ofuda and the chain of laws are a set. Once they are locked, people will not stop, and even I can’t stop them."
Angry road in Wang Yue’s heart: "Jade Emperor, you must be lying to me. Hurry up and let the suppression ofuda and the chain of laws stop. Yang Jian and I haven’t finished fighting yet. Don’t involve others. Aunt Yang, but your own sister, do you really want to watch her die in front of you?"
The cold light in the jade emperor’s eyes passed in a flash, and he said, "Wang Yue, you’re such a no matter what you teach. I’ll kill you if you don’t have some profit."
Yao Ji is dying in the high temperature, and both Wang Yue and Yang Jian are equally anxious.
Wang Yue sees that the Jade Emperor is from ruin, and he can look at Nu Wa in the distance. "Nu Wa Niangniang Wang Yue, please stop suppressing the symbol and the chain of laws. Aunt Yang can’t die!"
After listening to Wang Yue, Nuwa was silent for a while and shook her head.
"Jiro, you are quick to go." Yao Ji finally shouted with strength. "Wang Yue was forced to Jiro not to take revenge on him …"
As soon as the words were finished, Yao Ji lost signs of life. Yuan Shen and his body melted fly ash at high temperature.
Fu Yong stopped absorbing qi and blood energy and disappeared. Wang Yue was suspended in the air and looked at the ground. Yang Jian.
Yang Jian knelt on the ground with a mountain axe and wailed in grief.
Wang Yue took a deep breath to suppress his grief and came to Wang Jianxia’s side. "Chivalrous swordsman, we will leave here with Terran fighters to recharge the river mouth!"
Wang Jianxia nodded "Yes"
As soon as Wang Yue and Wang Jianxia left the Jade Emperor with more than 100,000 fighters, they asked Yuan Tianzun, "Brother Yuan, it’s over. Who will win or lose?"
Yuan Buddha laughed. "Heaven of Science, I have underestimated you. You, the Three Realms Lord, still have some courage. Let’s call this game a draw."
Chapter 525 Fall Super Genius
It has been 200 years since Wang Yue and Yang Jian fought a decisive battle at the top of Taoshan Mountain. This incident can be described as shocking to many powerful people in the wild, and even now there are often people who cultivate immortals.
Compared with 200 years ago, Guanjiangkou has become more prosperous, and the granting of budo and Wendao College has expanded and expanded, which has enabled thousands of supernatural beings to practice martial arts at the same time.
Fifty years ago, the Dashang Dynasty moved its capital to Chaoge, and thirty years ago, Di Yi became the new king of Dashang.
Wang Yue, the Terran Wudaozu, also became a martial law three years ago. chaos clock was initially refined and refined to give full play to the power of Tianbao by 30%.
The first treasure is the first treasure. Even if Wang Yue can exert 30% of its power, he is rarely an opponent in the pick of Jin Xian. Perhaps Wang Yue is not a strong opponent at this level of Fuxi and Jade Emperor, but Wang Yue wants to escape by virtue of the law. These top powers in the wild world can’t stop him.
Until now, Wang Yuecai really has a foothold in the world.
Of course, this is a situation where saints don’t make moves. Once saints are determined to kill Wang Yue, Wang Yue can’t run away.
The great increase in skill is not Wang Yue and Wang Jianxia, the only sword fairy in the Terran, but Wu Dao Jin Xian. He killed many people with his superb swordsmanship to spy on the great merchants and kings.
Wang Jianxia’s swordsmanship, many pick Jin Xian recognize that they are no longer in Yuding reality. The ancient sword fairy Wang Jianxia and Yuding reality also hold their breath and want to ask each other for advice. First, they have never had a chance.
Da Shang Wang du Chao ge cheng
Wang Jianxia killed an alien demon fairy queen with a sword and frowned and said, "The country will die and there will be a Uber. Now there are more and more alien immortals in Chaoge City, and the world is going to be chaotic. I wonder how many fighters and people my Terran will die in this turmoil? This matter needs to be told to the eldest brother to see if he can handle it. "
"lead the adults"
A maid-in-waiting went to Wang Jianxia and respectfully said, "Wang Dian has invited you."