
### 主要成分


– 太子参:具有健脾益气、生津止渴的功效。
– 陈皮:理气健脾,燥湿化痰。
– 山药:健脾养胃,补肺止咳。
– 麦芽(炒):消食健胃,和中止泻。
– 山楂:消食化积,行气散瘀。


### 适应症
– 脾胃虚弱所致的食积症。
– 不思饮食、嗳腐酸臭、脘腹胀满等消化不良症状。
– 胃胀、嗳气、食欲不振等消化系统问题。

### 疗效
1. **改善消化不良**:消食健胃片通过调节脾胃功能,帮助消化食物,缓解消化不良症状。
2. **健脾养胃**:其中草药成分如太子参、陈皮、山药等,有助于健脾养胃,增强脾胃功能。
3. **促进消化**:麦芽和山楂等成分能够促进食物的消化,缓解因食积引起的胃部不适。

### 用法用量
1. 成人通常建议一次3片,一日3次,饭后服用。
2. 儿童用量应遵医嘱,通常比成人用量要少。

### 注意事项
1. 服药期间,饮食宜清淡,避免油腻、辛辣、生冷等刺激性食物。
2. 患有高血压、心脏病、肝病、糖尿病、肾病等慢性病严重者应在医师指导下服用。
3. 儿童、孕妇、哺乳期妇女、年老体弱者应在医师指导下服用。
4. 如服药3天症状无缓解,应去医院就诊。
5. 对本品过敏者禁用,过敏体质者慎用。
6. 本品性状发生改变时禁止使用。
7. 儿童必须在成人的监护下使用。
8. 请将本品放儿童不能接触的地方。

### 总结


1. **清热解毒**:竹尖泡水喝具有明显的清热解毒效果,适用于缓解口舌生疮、肺燥痰多、小便短赤等症状。

2. **疏风清热**:长期饮用竹尖茶,有助于疏风清热,对于风热感冒有一定的缓解作用。

3. **祛痰健胃**:竹尖中的有效成分有助于祛痰,并且对健胃有一定的作用。

4. **生津利尿**:饮用竹尖茶可以生津止渴,并且具有利尿作用,有助于排除体内多余水分。

5. **镇痛消毒**:竹尖茶具有镇痛和消毒的功效,对于一些轻微的疼痛和皮肤炎症有一定的缓解作用。

6. **美容护肤**:竹尖茶中的茶多酚具有抗氧化作用,可以帮助清除自由基,减少皮肤老化的迹象,具有一定的美容护肤效果。

7. **延缓衰老**:丰富的黄酮类化合物等成分有助于延缓衰老过程。


8. **预防和治疗辐射伤害**:茶多酚及其氧化产物能够吸收放射性物质,具有一定的预防和治疗辐射伤害的作用。

9. **醒脑提神**:茶叶中的咖啡碱可以刺激中枢神经,增强大脑皮层的兴奋过程,起到提神醒脑的效果。

10. **塑身减脂**:茶碱和咖啡因等成分有助于减少脂肪堆积,达到减肥的效果。



### 药用价值:

1. **润肠通便**:枇杷蜜性平、味甘,归大肠经,有助于肠道湿润和润滑,从而缓解便秘。


2. **润肺止咳**:它具有润肺止咳、化痰、平喘的功效,对肺虚引起的咳嗽有很好的缓解作用。



3. **消炎镇痛**:枇杷蜜中含有过氧化氢酶、烟酸、维生素C等成分,具有杀菌、抗炎作用,同时镁元素能起到镇静效果。

4. **保护心脑血管**:枇杷蜜中含有的生物素、维生素B2、维生素B6、烟酸、维生素A等成分,有助于治疗动脉硬化、中风、冠心病等心脑血管疾病。

5. **美容养颜**:枇杷蜜中含有维生素A、维生素E、维生素C等抗氧化物质,有助于滋润皮肤,改善新陈代谢,使皮肤细腻、柔软。

6. **解毒**:枇杷蜜有解毒的功效,可以用于皮肤炎症或肠胃炎症的杀菌治疗。

### 健康益处:

1. **延年益寿**:枇杷蜜中的多种成分有助于提高人体免疫力,延缓衰老。

2. **治疗咳嗽**:对于因呼吸道或肺部感染引起的咳嗽,枇杷蜜有很好的缓解作用。

3. **促进消化**:枇杷蜜中含有的有机酸能促进消化腺分泌,增进食欲,帮助消化。

4. **止渴解暑**:枇杷蜜具有清热、解暑的功效,适用于夏季饮用。

### 注意事项:

– **糖尿病患者不宜食用**:枇杷蜜含有较高的糖分,糖尿病患者应避免食用。
– **过敏体质者慎用**:部分人群可能对枇杷蜜过敏,应在食用前进行过敏测试。



1. **补肾强腰**:猪腰子味甘咸、性平,归肾经,能够补肾强腰,对于肾虚腰痛、腰膝酸软等症状有缓解作用。


2. **滋阴补血**:猪腰含有丰富的蛋白质、脂肪、碳水化合物、钙、磷、铁和维生素等营养成分,能够滋阴补血,对于血虚引起的头晕、乏力等有改善作用。


3. **利尿消肿**:猪腰汤有助于通膀胱、消水肿,对于小便短黄、身体浮肿等症状有一定的缓解作用。

4. **抗氧化延缓衰老**:猪腰中含有多种矿物质,如钙、磷、铁、钾、钠、镁、锌、硒等,这些矿物质有助于维持机体的酸碱平衡,参与能量代谢,并且具有抗氧化、抗疲劳、延缓衰老的功效。

5. **改善性功能**:猪腰汤对于性欲减退、阳痿遗精等症状有一定的改善作用,适用于更年期男人腰酸腿疼等情况。

6. **辅助治疗多种病症**:猪腰汤对于治疗肾虚腰痛、水肿、耳聋等症有一定效果。

7. **增强免疫力**:猪腰汤中含有丰富的蛋白质和矿物质,长期食用可以提高人体的免疫力。

8. **促进骨骼发育**:猪腰中的钙、磷等矿物质对于儿童的骨骼发育有一定的帮助。




1. **健脾开胃**:南瓜和红豆都富含膳食纤维,能够促进肠道蠕动,帮助消化,对改善食欲不振、胃胀等消化系统问题有积极作用。


2. **清热解毒**:南瓜具有清热的作用,红豆则有助于清除体内毒素,对于因饮食不当或环境污染导致的身体不适有缓解作用。

3. **安神宁志**:中医认为,南瓜红豆汤有助于宁神,适合因工作压力大、失眠多梦的人群食用。

4. **补充营养**:南瓜和红豆都是营养丰富的食材,含有多种维生素、矿物质和膳食纤维,有助于补充日常所需营养。

5. **减肥瘦身**:南瓜和红豆都含有较低的脂肪和热量,适合想要控制体重的人群。南瓜的高纤维含量能够带来较强的饱腹感,有助于减少食物摄入。


6. **改善心血管健康**:红豆含有丰富的钾,有助于维持心脏健康,预防高血压。

7. **抗衰老**:南瓜中的β-胡萝卜素有助于抗氧化,对抗自由基,延缓衰老。

8. **消肿利尿**:红豆有利尿作用,可以帮助消除体内多余水分,减轻水肿。

9. **改善睡眠**:南瓜中含有的色氨酸有助于提高睡眠质量,改善失眠和多梦。

10. **抗癌作用**:南瓜和红豆中都含有一定的抗氧化成分,有助于预防某些癌症的发生。


Demons, the new Lord, can lead them to repel powerful enemies.

But now …
What can a low-level demon do?
In this situation, even if the fighting power is ordinary, it is difficult for the middle-class demons to turn the tide.
Bearer is just finished closing Su Mo.
The process of killing two middle-ranking demons in his town was very short, and no one noticed it except standing by and watching a few people.
Even though I saw two middle-ranking demons screaming at the Moon Mountain, I didn’t feel too intuitive.
Many demon families are very disgraceful sneak attacks by new lords.
Su Mo lifted the monkey up and handed Qian Jun into his hands and asked, "Can you still fight?"
"Of course!"
Monkey’s bloody eyes are dim, and many violent forces have faded, but the fighting spirit in their eyes has not diminished at all!
Su Mo said, "Go and help Linghu. Give it to me here."
The two lords, Heishaling and Fengfengdong, didn’t show that they were narrowing their eyes and scattered powerful gods repeatedly passing through Su Mo.
Two people want to see Su Mo actual situation!
But to their surprise, they couldn’t even see Su Mo!
If Su Mo’s body didn’t exude a strong demon spirit, they would have known that this was a Terran fix true person!
Solitary cloud also frowned.
This red-haired man is just a low-order monster, but he can’t see through this man!
The weirdest thing is that he felt an inexplicable palpitation in this red-haired man!
This is an unprecedented situation.
He’s a dumpling clan, even among pure-blooded fierce beasts, and he’s a top strong man. How can he feel palpitation when he’s beyond this person’s great realm?
Must be an illusion!
"hmm? Wrong! "
Solitary cloud eyes tight shut a deep smell.
Dragon breath!
Lonely cloud look a change.
This person exudes an aura of a dragon!
"I know!"
Lonely cloud suddenly realized, "That dragon treasure must be in this person!"
Then everything will be explained.
It is also with this dragon treasure that this person can become the Lord of Xiao Yueshan!
I figured it out, but the solitary cloud was motionless on the surface, but it was exulting in my heart.
"It’s nothing to help a low-ranking demon sit on the throne!"
"God helps me, and I’m looking forward to it!"
Lonely cloud silently corners of the mouth slightly become warped.
Chapter one hundred and twenty-seven Strangulation!
Lonely cloud, pointing to Su Mo, looked at the black sand ridge and the windy cave. They all looked disdainful and said slowly, "I’ll take care of this man. You continue."
His intention is simple.
He kills the man in front of him, even if the dragon treasure is exposed, it can be owned by him, and no one can take it away!
The two lords, Heishaling and Fengfengdong, nodded their heads at each other.
What is it that the original two people still come? The strong man is now a low-order demon.
Even some means can’t help but affect the overall situation.
What’s more, solitary cloud has decided to deal with this person, who will die!
The two lords waved and greeted the remaining ten middle-ranking demons to launch a secret offensive against the black wolf and cicada again!
The magic is boiling in an instant!
Black Wolf and Cicada Ruyi just took a breath. I didn’t expect to fall into the siege again in a blink of an eye.
Su Mo’s eyes were cold and his body moved in the direction of the two lords, Heishaling and Fengfengdong.

It is precisely because of this that the fairy king sighed and was surprised that the secret method of thunder and lightning gave him a name.

Although the pupil technique of the king of Yunlei County is powerful, it can’t resist the blazing light in this way, such as the scorching sun shining on the instantaneous melting roots of ice and snow!
Yunlei’s eyes are also stinging!
At this moment, he felt a ferocious and fierce breath coming on his face, just like an ancient wild and fierce beast filled with bloody gas, which seemed to tear him in half!
"Not good!"
Yunlei County King realized in his heart that Su Mo had come near.
He had seen the horrors of Soviet-Mexican melee and knew that he had no chance of winning in melee.
The king of Yunlei County broke out in the thunder escape method, and the whole person became a Lei Guang, who instantly disappeared from the original place and disappeared from the Sumerian distance.
At the same time, the king of Yunlei County pushed the Yuan God to the limit, and his hands were constantly changing. His mouth was so majestic as Lei Yin!
"God is thundering!"
"Five days of thunder!"
"It’s windy and thunderous!"
"It rains and thunders!"
"There are clouds and thunder!"
"Buze Tianlei!"
"It’s freezing and thundering!"
"It’s thundering!"
"Flying sand and thunder!"
"It’s thundering!"
"The magic thunder!"
"Swallow ghosts and thunder!"
Twelve lightning tricks are released in the blink of an eye, and the world changes color in an instant!
There’s heavy rain, hail, flood, wind, sand and stones, evil spirits roaring out of the cage, fiends looming …
Several visions filled the heavens and the earth, and every vision contained all the thunder, covering the sky from all sides and sweeping in!
"Twelve days thunder clouds thunder county king good means!"
There were waves of amazement on both sides of the spectator seat.
Thunder is the heaviest war.
Every lightning sacrifice is extremely powerful.
Today, twelve days of thunder are just like conan the destroyer!
Chapter two thousand two hundred and forty-six Thunder big handprint
"If Su Mo is at the peak, means that the card has not been moved yet, naturally, this 12-day thunder can be resolved and now …"
"I’m afraid there will be supernatural powers to fight against the thunder in twelve days."
"Why hasn’t Su Mo made a move yet? Are you ready to give up resistance and admit defeat?"
There was a noisy discussion in the crowd.
Twelve days of thunder covered the sun and rolled in. Su Mo was motionless in Qingshi. His figure was so horrible that the huge offensive seemed a little thin and would be swallowed up at any time!
On the other side, the king of Yunlei County was pale and his eyes were dim. He noticed that Su Mo seemed to have given up his resistance before he breathed a sigh of relief.
Twelve thunderbolts broke out at the same time, which consumed too much yuan Shen power, and his yuan Shen was on the verge of collapse
Is Yunlei looking at Su Mo’s face and rising a little uneasy.
This face is so quiet.
In such an offensive, there is no panic, no fear and no calm.
And Su Mo’s eyes are flashing with a light instead, which seems to be some expectation!
Boom Boom Boom
Twelve lightning strikes hit Su Mo!
Su Mo does not blink, does not avoid his eyes, and makes great efforts to urge the bone-forging article in "Taixu Leiji" to attract thunder into the body and benefit twelve thunderbolts to refine the bones!
This move is really crazy.
For others, root imagination
But Su Mo has this confidence.
He has ten violets, real body, strong physique and strong vitality. He believes that even twelve thunderbolts can destroy his vitality!
He also has enough confidence in "Tai Xu Lei Ji"
He believes that the practice created by Emperor Lei is enough to bring down the thunder and bring down the twelve heavenly thunder places!

After a short period of darkness, Lin Yang soon came to his senses.

Dean Ding’s status as a junior uncle is really great, but it is impossible to show it.
After all, he can’t run to Ding Guohua and say, "I’m your grandmaster’s younger brother after his death. According to the seniority, you should call me a little granduncle. Come on, my dear nephew, call me and listen."
Do not be Ding Guohua as crazy away just strange!
Of course, it’s not that he can’t prove his identity. If the snake-to-snake and dragon-to-dragon needling method is shown, let alone Ding Guohua, even Chen Shiwen’s six disciples will admit his identity.
But Lin Yang doesn’t intend to do that. Not now.
It is king to keep a low profile before you have enough strength to protect yourself.
What’s more, the purpose of his coming to medical school is to learn medical skills and find a way to awaken Sun Xiaoyun, not to play the role of prestige.
Lin Yang, the identity of Ding Guohua’s junior uncle, is hidden in his heart and does not intend to expose it
But in any case, it’s great to be the dean of medical college, Xiaoshi Shu … even if you can’t see the light.
Just as the dean of the rostrum and the teachers were talking, when the freshmen were sleepy, two strong and energetic old people entered the Baicaotang in the Imperial Square.
Seeing these two old people, Qin Xiang quickly put his hand in holding the "Essence of Medical Records of Famous Doctors in Qing Dynasty" and greeted them respectfully. "Teacher, you are back. Ma has not seen you for a long time, and your style is still unabated."
These two old people are Wang Shizhen, the owner of Baicaotang, and his good friend, Ma Wenbo, deputy director of the Chinese Medicine Department of the Affiliated Hospital of West China University.
Today, Wang Shizhen just got together with some old friends such as Ma Wenbo. After the party, he invited Ma Wenbo to his herbal hall to continue talking.
Looking at Qin Xiang Ma Wenbo smiled and nodded. "Xiao Qin heard that the paper you recently published in the British The Lancet magazine received quite a response in Europe? Congratulations! This paper of yours has earned some face for our Chinese medicine and made those foreigners look bad. "
"It was all taught by the teacher." Qin Xiang was not proud at all, but he was modest. "I couldn’t have written that paper without the teacher’s guidance."
"I didn’t contribute to that paper because of yourself." Wang Shizhen shook his head and refused to take the credit. After encouraging his lover a few words, he rushed to Ma Wenbo and said, "Don’t praise him too much, old horse, or I will worry that his tail will go up in the sky."
"Come on, don’t you still know your apprentice’s personality? To say that others will be proud of it, I believe it, but it is strange that Qin Xiang will be proud of this character. "Ma Wenbo’s heart.
Wang Shizhen laughed, too. He knew that Ma Wenbo’s words were justified because of his love for the disciples and how he had to beat him.
After Ma Wenbo was invited to sit in the hall, someone immediately offered fragrant teas and Wang Shizhen took a sip of tea before rushing to the side. The apprentice asked, "Qin Xiang really worked hard for you today. Is there anything in yiguang?"
"The teacher’s service is what I should do." Qin Xiang respectfully replied, "Today, as usual, there is nothing special … Oh, by the way, at noon, someone took Zhang Gufang and wanted to talk to the teacher."
"Cuba? Have you seen that square? How does it feel? " It can be seen that Wang Shizhen is not interested in this matter. After all, in recent years, he has met too many swindlers with so-called ancient tricks.
Qin Xiang expressed his opinion that "there is nothing strange about it, but the top ten tonic soups are added and subtracted, which are compatible. People in this prescription should have some research on Chinese herbal medicines, and they have learned two uncommon medicinal materials, blood-flying and blood-enriching herbs".
"Since there is nothing special, there is no need for me to watch it again." Wang Shizhen still believes in the strength of this disciple. Since Qin Xiang said that there is nothing strange about that side, he is not going to see it when the waves are over. After all, he and Ma Wenbo still have many things to discuss.
"That aspect actually arrived at blood flying and Limonium sinense? It’s a little interesting … "Unlike Wang Shizhen, Ma Wenbo has never been entangled in fake and shoddy ancient recipes. He is still very interested in this ancient recipe in Qin Xiang’s mouth." Xiaoqin, can you stay there? Show it to me. "
"When the man left, he left a residual prescription. I’ll get it." Qin Xiang turned and walked out of the hall for a moment, and then took back the prescription sign left by Lin Yang and submitted it to Ma Wenbo.
Ma Wenbo first noticed the thin gold font on the face of the prescription.
Linyang is a word that I practiced hard with my grandfather since I was a child. Although it has not yet reached Mahayana, it also has a somewhat Song Huizong charm.
"Good word" Ma Wenbo is also a discerning person. Seeing this beautiful thin gold font, he can’t help but blurt out.
Qin Xiang nodded his head. Although he thought there was nothing strange about this prescription, it was undeniable that this handwriting was really good.
"Gee …" After a rough sweep, Ma Wenbo’s eyebrows were slightly raised and his face was stunned. "Does this word look familiar … is it him?"

This is the largest number in the Dojo Room, 99,999,999!

Hu Yuehai laughed and turned away.
All the people in this room were shocked.
Fu Xialiang has completely despaired and said, "Ninety-nine million nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine …"
It’s complete despair. It’s impossible to finish.
On the other side, suddenly, one person slowly appears in the sky. Looking at the past, there is no difference between Fu Xia and himself.
But Zhang Yue shouted, "There is no war!"
After that, he occupied Fu Xia’s cool body and instantly struck a sword, and Sanyangtai Excalibur was one!
And that Fu Xia Liang turned into a sea of thunder, and made "The Thunder in the Afternoon"
In the thunder sea, a Zhenyuan hammer slowly took shape, but it was a breath late.
Here, the sword light Fu Xia cools thousands of pieces to death!
Zhang Yue said, "Brake is born and died! He also has the talent of brake birth and death, so our first world war is instant life and death! "
Yang Xiuchang breathed a sigh of relief and said, "There is something wrong with this shabby room. What he has built is Fu Xialiang’s ability to cool himself."
I don’t even have Zhang Yue’s kendo at night.
I don’t know if your 30,000 Lingshi played a role or if it was natural.
That’s easy. We still have a chance! "
Chapter two hundred and thirty-two The preconditions are too cool in summer
Killing a Fu Xialiang’s self-image number changes by 99.9999999990!
One less
Zhang Yue said slowly, "There is no avenue armed!"
Both sides hit the instant life and death.
If Fu Xialiang’s self-image is armed with a motionless mountain and sea on the avenue, then kill him completely.
But fortunately, although the copy is Fu Xia’s cool shadow, the avenue armed forces don’t know what didn’t copy successfully
This avenue weapon is specially refined from nine pieces of armor, which contains a powerful magic weapon of avenue rhyme, which may be higher than that copied by the equal-order method in the asking room.
Normal practice copying testers are not allowed to use this ability.
If the trial fails, the reward will be deducted.
But now Fu Xia cool they also can’t tube so much, live first!
In that darkness, another Fu Xialiang appeared slowly.
Another self-duel, myself to myself.
Zhang Yue once again raised his sword and instantly two people collided.
Fu Xialiang has the talent to brake the birth and death, which can instantly explode his strongest attack power and the opponent’s death.
To form a dead fact, Fu Xialiang’s talent will make him occupy 90% of the vitality, while the other side will be a narrow escape.
However, Fu Xia’s cool body also has the talent of brake birth and death, and the two can’t hedge.
But let Fu Xia cool self-image is to choose death.
Life and death are moments!
This talent is good or bad for Fu Xialiang. With this talent, Fu Xialiang’s self-shadow attack is very good, and it is definitely a death sentence.

Jade Duxiu smiles without saying a word, and even the closest person can’t say it to be left behind by others.

Although not admitted, Jade Duxiu did not refuse the soaring three people to move together.
"How did you do it?" Staring at Jade Duxiu in the sky.
"Who said I was the East China Sea Dragon King who coveted the treasure of the ape demon god, but I accidentally moved the veins in the East China Sea, causing the east coast to tumble violently, causing casualties?" Jade Duxiu was puzzled.
A few people at this time all are quietly looking at jade Duxiu eyes indecision uncertain light.
For a moment, I saw that Jade Duxiu’s face changed and looked at the sky. "There are still things that can’t be delayed. Let’s talk later."
Said the jade show not to wait for a few people to react has disappeared into the lotus pond.
See jade Duxiu hurried into the lotus pond. Several people looked at each other, and they couldn’t see through jade Duxiu even more. This is simply a mystery. The general figure Sihai suffered heavy losses. I am afraid that Long Jun in the East China Sea will regret it at this time.
Jade Duxiu stepped into the lotus pond, sat in a lotus dish and instantly held the purple, gold and red gourd in his hand. The purple, gold and red gourd in his arms was exhaled by qi qi in his nostrils and echoed constantly.
At this moment, Yu Duxiu’s whole body is countless, and all the causes and effects are instantly swallowed by the purple, gold and red gourd. At this time, the causal speed of purple, gold and red gourd is one hundred times stronger, and it is simply ten thousand times faster.
In the East China Sea, Jade Duxiu bears the cause and effect, and all beings are poor. The cause and effect force keeps coming from the East China Sea and is absorbed by the purple, gold and red gourd in Jade Duxiu’s arms as a nutrient.
As time went on, I saw that the purple-gold gourd gradually changed into purple-gold, and the crystal-like gourd was like a small dot, and the general things slowly flashed out and flashed in the purple-gold gourd.
Looking at the purple-gold-red gourd, Jade Duxiu smiled gently. One, two, three red dots with crystal color kept flashing attractive luster in the purple-gold-red gourd.
"Now the purple-gold-red gourd is a kind of causal crystal, which is incredible. In those days, the purple-gold crystal of Laojun gourd was covered with 365 jade-only red gourds, but three were far from Laojun red gourds."
"This amethyst is refined and its income depends on how much amethyst is. It is always a chance to push this amethyst to the level of the old gentleman gourd." Jade Duxiu smiled gently.
For a moment, I saw a purple divine light in the purple-gold-red gourd soaring into the sky and shaking the stars. At this time, the stars on Sunday bloomed and were instantly absorbed by the purple-gold-red gourd.
At this moment, all the days are coming to this place in unison, and the great power at the foot of the mountain has not left is a burst of jealousy "another magic weapon"
"It’s a pity that Miao Xiu is definitely a strong man if he doesn’t die. It’s a pity that Miao Xiu’s background has been smoked." Fox God’s eyes in the wild are full of regret.
The divine light in the eyes of many godfathers in Kunlun Mountain flashed, and the Taiping Godfather’s eyes flashed with sadness.
"Wonderful show is going to die sooner or later, so it is better to deliver the magic weapon to me earlier. Terran Tianjiao will help me. Terran Tianjiao’s rise will help me to prove it." Taijiaozu said sullenly.
"Hum, old things, don’t play the magic weapon of wonderful show. Pay attention to the magic weapon of wonderful show. Even if you die, it’s my Taiping Road. If you dare to intervene in the strange seat," Taiping’s ancestor looked at Taijiaozu with cruel face.
Grandfather Tai smiled gently when he heard the news, but he was unaware of the threat of Grandfather Taiping. He saw a talisman flying out of his hand, turned around and disappeared into the sky, and disappeared.
After Grandfather Tai, there are talismans flying out of the hands of all the grandfathers towards the main doors.
Taiping ancestor saw this face for a moment, and there was also a charm flying in his hand.
"This little one is really bad. If you can’t kill it with a stick, don’t offend it. I didn’t expect that a magic weapon was born in the East China Sea a moment ago." Sitting in bluestone, I looked at the purple shekinah that went straight for nine days and was dumbfounded.
"It’s very, very, very good. Look at the amount of the world. Once again, there are countless fortunes converging towards Miaoxiu. It can be seen that Miaoxiu’s refining treasure is unusual. With this fortune, Miaoxiu will inevitably be able to slow down and fight for the world on the road of striving for immortality. I am afraid that if there is no fortune, then everything is possible." Shine blooms in my eyes.
the four seas—the whole country
Dragon Palace in the East China Sea The Dragon King in the Middle East suddenly looked up and went straight for nine days to explore the source of the precious light. When he found that it was Jade Duxiu who lived in seclusion in Taiping Taoist Temple, his face changed immediately. "Damn it, is it that God is illegitimate and can’t be the bodhi old zu? I didn’t expect this little boy to regain his vitality and rise again so soon. This cause and effect can be great. You must never call this little boy to rise again. You still need to think of a way to completely eliminate the future trouble."
At this moment, all the great powers in the heavens are dumbfounded, looking at the sky and measuring the divine light, especially after discovering that the rising place of the divine light is a Taiping Taoist temple, I simply don’t know what to say, but I just sigh that this guy is not a man but an illegitimate child of God.