
1. **润肺去燥**:川贝梨汤中的川贝母具有清热润肺的功效,能够帮助缓解肺燥引起的症状,如咳嗽、干咳等。

2. **治疗呼吸道疾病**:川贝梨汤对于感冒、慢性咳嗽、慢性支气管炎等呼吸道疾病有辅助治疗作用,可以缓解症状,如痰液增多、胸闷气促等。


3. **止咳化痰**:川贝梨汤能够帮助痰液快速咳出,对于急性气管炎等疾病有良好的治疗作用。


4. **调节人体呼吸道**:梨和川贝的配合,可以更好地调节人体的呼吸道,使呼吸道保持通畅。

5. **滋阴养肺**:对于干咳少痰、阴虚肺燥等症状,川贝梨汤具有滋阴润肺的作用,有助于恢复肺部的健康。

6. **改善口感**:川贝梨汤的口感甜中带微苦,对于儿童来说,易于接受,有助于提高儿童的饮用量,达到辅助治疗的效果。

7. **辅助治疗**:川贝梨汤常与抗生素及化痰药物配合使用,以提高疗效。



1. **降低火气,疏肝理气**:五行茶中常含有菊花、山楂等成分,这些成分具有清热解毒、疏肝理气的功效,有助于缓解肝火旺盛、情绪不稳等问题。

2. **理气补血,美容养颜**:五行茶中的成分如枸杞、红枣等,能帮助补充气血,促进血液循环,从而达到美容养颜的效果。

3. **健脾祛湿**:五行茶中的某些成分,如茯苓、陈皮等,具有健脾祛湿的功效,有助于改善胃肠功能,缓解消化不良、腹泻等症状。

4. **润肺止咳**:五行茶中常含有百合、杏仁等成分,这些成分有助于润肺止咳,适用于咳嗽痰多、喉咙不适等情况。

5. **润肠通便**:五行茶中的决明子、火麻仁等成分,能帮助润肠通便,适用于便秘问题。


6. **调节血糖**:某些五行茶配方中可能包含有助于调节血糖的成分,如葛根、枸杞等,适合糖尿病患者饮用。

7. **增强免疫力**:五行茶中富含多种维生素和微量元素,有助于提高机体免疫力,增强抗病能力。

8. **保护肝脏**:五行茶中的某些成分,如金银花、菊花等,具有保护肝脏的作用,有助于改善肝脏功能。



9. **促进消化**:五行茶中的成分有助于促进消化,缓解肠胃不适。

10. **调养五脏**:五行茶通过调和五行,可以全面调养人体五脏,达到阴阳平衡。



1. **润肺止咳**:蜂蜜具有润肺止咳的作用,而鸡蛋则富含蛋白质和卵磷脂,能够帮助修复受损的肺部细胞。这种组合对于改善咳嗽和喉咙痛有显著效果。

2. **润肠通便**:蜂蜜能够润滑肠道,促进肠道蠕动,有助于缓解便秘。

3. **补中益气**:中医认为,蜂蜜和鸡蛋都具有补中益气的功效,对于中气不足导致的四肢无力等现象有辅助治疗作用。


4. **营养补充**:蜂蜜鸡蛋水中含有丰富的维生素C、蛋白质和钙离子,能够补充人体所需的多种营养素。

5. **美白皮肤**:蜂蜜中的抗氧化成分有助于改善皮肤状况,使皮肤变得更加细腻和白皙。

6. **促进蛋白质吸收**:蜂蜜中的多种维生素和矿物质可以促进鸡蛋中蛋白质的吸收,提高其利用率。

7. **调节口味**:蜂蜜鸡蛋水的制作简单,口感甜美,适合日常饮用,能够调节口味,增加食物的吸引力。


8. **防止血管硬化**:鸡蛋中含有丰富的蛋白质和卵磷脂,能够帮助降低胆固醇,防止血管硬化,对心脑血管有益。

9. **美容护肤**:蜂蜜和鸡蛋都是美容护肤的好材料。蜂蜜可以滋养皮肤,而鸡蛋中的蛋白质有助于紧致皮肤,减少皱纹。

10. **其他健康益处**:蜂蜜鸡蛋水还有助于改善消化系统功能,提高免疫力,增强体力等。



1. **清肺热**:大鱼际属于手太阴肺经,是肺经的营穴。营主身热,因此大鱼际可以有效地清热,对于肺经的风热症状,如咳嗽、咳痰、发热、胸痛等,有很好的缓解作用。

2. **润肠通便**:大鱼际在排便前按摩可以起到清肠热、化肠燥、通大便的效果,对于便秘有辅助治疗作用。


3. **解表利咽**:按摩大鱼际可以缓解感冒初期的咽痛、打喷嚏、咳嗽等症状,对于呼吸道疾病有一定的辅助治疗作用。

4. **提高免疫力**:经常按摩大鱼际可以促进血液循环,疏通经脉,增强肺主防御卫外的功能,从而提高免疫力。

5. **缓解疲劳**:对于长时间使用电脑或从事体力劳动的人群,按摩大鱼际可以缓解手臂、手腕等肢体的疲劳,同时也能缓解颈椎病、落枕、手指活动不利等症状。

6. **治疗小儿疳积**:大鱼际穴可以治疗小孩的疳积、消化不良等病症。

7. **保健养生**:通过按摩大鱼际,可以起到保健养生的作用,如解表、利咽、化痰等。



– **按摩力度**:按摩时应适度,避免用力过猛,以免造成不适或损伤。


– **专业操作**:针灸应由专业中医师进行操作,以确保安全和治疗效果。
– **遵医嘱**:在治疗过程中,应遵医嘱,结合药物治疗,以达到最佳治疗效果。


This is also the butterfly month told Su Mo that it is the easiest for a demon-repairer to slay his opponent.

"You dare to run wild, beast!"
Several monks of Tsukiji denounced an outbreak of spirituality, and the aura around them rolled up and slammed into Linghu.
Spiritual strength, spiritual tiger strength, root can’t resist.
Su Mo’s eyes narrowed slightly to avoid stabbing, and several flying swords were thrown out of the Liuhe sword array, and then stopped in front of Linghu to stop several kinds of spiritual arts.
A loud noise
Spirituality to pieces and Su Mo Liuhe sword array finally can’t support it, and it’s hard to form again.
Six flying swords are scattered on the ground, and the light is dim.
Linghu is clever. Take this opportunity to sneak behind Su Mo and stare at a couple of tiger eyes and look at more than a dozen monks on the other side.
"Your aura has dried up!" A monk in the early days of Tsukiji sneered at one
The outbreak of war between the two sides is short, but Su Mo has resisted too many flying swords and consumed a lot of aura. At this time, there are indeed a few left
"I see how arrogant you are!"
A monk Tsukiji pinched the spirit tactic with his hand and rushed toward Sumo, pointing to a fireball the size of a fist. He was still in the middle of the gas, and it had been burned to crackle.
Sue ink eyes bright suddenly leaned out of the palm of your hand toward the head-on fireball.
"Looking for death!"
A monk named Tsukiji could not help secretly sneering at Su Mo’s daring to resist spirituality with his bare hands.
Sue ink slowly fuelling blood palm was flashing a flourishing Lei Guang, dense.
"What’s that?"
Many Godsworn Tsukiji’s pupils contracted and exclaimed constantly.
This fireball was crushed by Su Mo’s palm, and the aura melted into shape.
Seeing this, the friar became angry in an uproar.
Grey robe monk also frown unbelievable looking at this scene confused to himself, "lightning? Is this man not a practitioner but a monk Zhu Ji? "
Brother Grey Robe’s spirit-peeping technique was carefully explored again in Su Mo’s body. "Yes, it’s the nine layers of condensed gas. Has this person cultivated some kind of hidden realm achievement method?"
"No, no!"
The grey robe monk shook his head again. "Why didn’t you feel the aura fluctuation when you released lightning?"
The grey robe monk broke his head and couldn’t think that the power source of Sumerian thunder came from his own blood!
Sumo Reiki has indeed dried up, but the thunder power in the blood is still there.
At this time, the crane was repeatedly in distress, and the blood-eyed crow tore out many wounds and gave a short cry.
Although the crane elder didn’t say anything, Su Mo knew in his heart that the crane could follow him out to make a living. Naturally, the crane elder believed in Thaksin.
Now, seeing the crane in distress, Su Mo didn’t even think about breaking out of the blood force, but there was a faint surge of waves, surging tide and shocking mind!
In the eyes of the public, Su Mo’s body suddenly skyrocketed, and the whole body expanded in a circle. The blue was covered with thunder or chaos.
Sumo is like the murder in the eyes of Raytheon’s possession, and the momentum is terrible!
Until then, Brother Grey’s face changed and he finally realized that the situation was wrong.
Su Mo pointed his finger at the sky, and in his eyes, generate gave a looming murder and gently shouted "Thunder!"
Ping’s first thunder exploded
A flaming Lei Guang fell in the blood-eyed crows, winding like a snake, and the light spread brightly. Pieces of blood-eyed crows were directly killed and fell from the middle like a black rain.
Many Buddhist monks present were startled by this deafening thunder. The nine Buddhist monks who besieged Lengrou stopped consciously.
Lengrou took this opportunity to take a short breath and sweat all over, and the aura was almost exhausted.
Xiao pang took the opportunity to kill a monk in the early days of preconditions, swung a huge axe and directly split the man in half, spilling blood all over him!
Lei Shuwei was so strong that he almost extinct the half-blood-eyed crow!
The little crane is full of energy, and the ravens with blood eyes are no longer enough to pose a threat to it.
Just then Su Mo backhand took out a long knife with a cold light flashing from the bag. Before striding, he grinned at the opposite monk Tsukiji. "The battle has just begun!"
This step is two feet away, and in an instant, it comes to many Buddhist monks near the base.
Poof! Poof!
Su Mo backhand one knife two people feel flowers at the moment haven’t react two big head has thrown up blood column KuangPen high.
Friar Tsukiji turned pale with fear and exclaimed, and his consciousness retreated behind him.
"Can you run!"
Su Mo came after the past with a knife like a tiger into a flock of sheep, chopping left and right and cutting lotus flower constantly flashing.
Cold, soft and chubby are blindsided.

Kaka, Kaka!

Then a series of fractures sounded.
Panlong printing is quickly suppressed after a pause!
Poof, a full ten-foot-high-profile corpse was crushed into a ball by Panlong Seal, and the stinking blood mud was spread on the ground bones!
Friar Bai was about to rush into the tunnel, but a radiant seal suddenly hit and directly blocked the exit.
He hurriedly paused, and a mass of blood spattered on his pale cheek.
The white-shirted monk stared at his eyes, and the whole person was almost scared, and his mind was white.
In the fix true world, if you want to defeat the monks of the cult of refining resin, you should try to avoid them from fighting resin and attack the monks of the cult of refining resin.
Because for the resin-refining monks, fighting resin is their indestructible weapon!
No one in the same rank can destroy their dead bodies.
If someone is killed by a corpse, they can’t get out when they fight together. In the end, they will either be killed by a corpse town or they will be killed by life!
Tired of war dead.
Even if you are black and blue, your strength will not be reduced.
And monks are different.
Manpower will eventually run out.
Friar Bai practiced dozens of battles, but he had never seen Su Mo play so fiercely.
Staring at his corpse, I almost cut it in half without saying first.
Then the second directly suppressed his corpse into a mass of blood mud!
So it’s over.
Friar Bai is in a daze at the moment.
Dead silence!
Jun Hao and Si Yutang were about to attack Su Mo with a joint battle corpse, but now they are all standing in the same place with their eyes pounding and their bodies trembling slightly.
Congenital spirit!
The two men looked carefully at Su Mo’s last sacrifice. This golden seal flashed six spiritual lines. It is a congenital spirit!
It is a magic weapon for evil things to destroy weapons that the corpse is poisoned in the flesh and blood of the war corpse.
Even Ji Yao’s flying sword in the snow can’t escape this fate
But now this golden seal is not stained with the flesh and blood of the war corpse, and the breath is more abundant, exuding the domineering spirit of the King’s Landing Emperor!
Jun Hao’s eyes flashed with deep jealousy.
"If this baby lets me get it, I can be so awesome!"
Chapter four hundred and seventy-one Ministry meteorite
Su Mo moved slightly.
Panlong India’s power also surprised him!
I’m afraid this burst of power may threaten the monks in the early days of then!
More importantly, Godsworn Tsukiji’s Dantian is in the form of a spiritual sea and has not condensed into Dan.
Only then can the real person exert the true power of the innate spirit!
When the time comes, how will this Panlong seal show its elegance? Su Mo is also vaguely looking forward to it.
Shimen beat Ji Yaoxue and came out.
Four eyes relative
Sue ink smiled and nodded to reassure her.
Ji Yaoxue blushed and she chuckled.
Su Mo gently waved Panlong Seal and quickly narrowed it into a delicate small seal, and a streamer returned to the bag.
Su Mo strolled to the toe of the exit of the tunnel and returned to the palm with a blood quenching knife.
During the whole process, the white-shirted monk, Jun Hao and Si Yutang did not dare to move.
Su Mo literally made three people feel great pressure with one move and one look, and it seemed that they would be killed on the spot at any moment!
This is an almost enemy gas field!
Three eyes flashing, thinking the same thing in my heart.
How to escape!
Panlong India’s suppression is not only a corpse, but also the last point of resistance of the three people.
Friar Bai’s bereavement face was the first to squeeze out a smile and fuels, saying, "Friendly means are in Pei."

Those ordinary people don’t know about the fluctuation of energy in the sky

But creatures that have reached the level of military commanders, both humans and angels of light, are aware of it.
Especially those angels seem to be extremely depressed.
It seems that they are specially targeted at them.
Even being blinded by angel believers, heaven seems to be reviving, as if to repress the strength of those two blazing angels with ten wings again.
"Do you dare to fight?" Old Tianshi was still a little happy after finishing this law arrangement.
Pride can’t talk about this matter, which is just a small skill for ancient fighters, but in modern words, this kind of thing is a master of array law!
Don’t say that those who don’t know the array will be confused if they know it.
Reached the range of their cognition.
"It’s natural to fight. If you can kill two bird people to worship heaven, maybe heaven and earth will give me a big chance." Xiaoyao Road is Xiaoyao, but he is also relatively carefree
Just because his name is not obvious doesn’t mean that he is not good at it.
At the same time, he is also the kind of person who hates evil.
He found out before.
The four mighty warrior have no intention of hiding their breath any more, and the two blazing angels with ten wings have no possibility of avoiding war.
But at this time, something happened that they didn’t know or didn’t care even if they knew.
That is, a reporter from CBS Television in Sam is interviewing current affairs news.
Because it is said that this is an angel camp, so they want to investigate the situation of the people here, there will definitely be many people willing to watch.
Their TV station mainly broadcasts news and entertains people.
In the interview, I learned that many people in California and Fuzhou are disappointed with the state of Sam, and the reconstruction of California is still far away.
A little no
More importantly, they once believed in the patron saint, that is, most of the fighters of the Fuzhou legislature in California left California, and they didn’t care whether they lived or died
Most of them accuse those officials and fighters, and then catch the White House of Sam with a spray.
There are so many dead people that every lucky person has lost relatives and friends. At this time, it is still an unbearable thing for citizens in Gali and Fuzhou.
But one thing also appeared in the interview.
That is, whenever they talk about angels, their faces are smiling, which is the kind of worship and admiration.
"We are in California and Fuzhou because those fighters won’t let us die, but for those patron angels, we might all die."
"It was the angel who made us recover from the pain and did not immerse ourselves in the death of our loved ones, which gave us a new life and gave us great comfort."
Those angels have a healing collar, and many injured people can be completely damaged by the healing magic of the angels of light.
What if it’s a serious injury?
So I don’t want to recover immediately, but the bleeding is certain and the wound will heal.
It’s bigger than the so-called living dead with bones and bones.
This is the confusion of angels. Most human beings will not recognize them as intruders, but think that they are really angels who come to save the world.
Is to get them out of their misery
This thing is easy to brainwash people, angels come, rain and dew are blessed.

"Well, you are a Bi Mawen. You want to abandon your brother through thick and thin before you are rich. It’s really a bad person." Pig bodhi old zu immediately played emotional cards

"Come on, stop it, you two. Let’s hurry." Jade Duxiu had to interrupt the bickering between the two stooges in front.
"Hum, who wants to bicker with this plague monkey?" Pig bodhi old zu said at losing.
"Now to the square boundary?" Yudu avenue
The enlightened smell speech raised the cloud and looked around, and the cloud suddenly descended. "Congratulations, Master Hershey …"
Sun Chi of Da Lei Yin Temple sat solemnly on the throne, only to see that Bing Qin stood in the first meditation to realize Buddhism.
"Guanyin venerable doesn’t know that the people who have learned from the scriptures have arrived at the border of Hefang?" Sun Chi looked at Bingqin.
Bingqin smiled gently and was full of ease. "But when I arrived at my Buddhist site, I entered the Lingshan boundary and Tongtian Road was coming to an end."
Sun Chi heard the words and nodded, "Good is good."
Wu Zhuang Guan Zhen Yuan has a khaki color in his hand and a strange color in his eyes. He wants to say something but he doesn’t say it.
At this moment, I suddenly heard a faint bell outside the door and saw a child come in. "There is an invitation from the Bodhisattva Master outside the gate of my master."
"Oh," said Zhenyuan, when he heard this, he was shocked. Friar GV was a real big shot.
"Please come in quickly" Zhenyuan Road
A little while later, I saw a young Taoist boy come in and respect Zhenyuan. "Zhenyuan Daxian sent an invitation to my ancestors to invite Zhenyuan Daxian to go to GV Square Hill to listen to the story."
After the town yuan took the invitation, he played slowly, but his body suddenly froze and his face showed fear. "How is it possible?"
Don’t wait for everyone to ask questions. Zhenyuan said, "You told the Bodhisattva Master that I immediately went to the square-inch mountain in Lingtai to listen."
Seeing that the boy was far away, Zhenyuan was gloomy and uncertain. "Amitabha, a strong man in the heart of the gv 10, is really unfathomable, and the innate spiritual root is actually known by him."
This is my own secret. I didn’t expect to be discovered long ago, but I still struggled to hide it.
When Zhenyuan went to the backyard, his palm shook, but he saw a spirit root instantly rooted in the land and the tree was full of lively and lovely little dolls.
Zhenyuan turned to the child and said, "In a few days, a Buddhist monk will pass by here and pick two fruits from this tree. The monk will eat this fruit, which is called grass returning to Dan, and the ginseng fruit will eat one to prolong life for 40 thousand years. If you want to pick the fruit, you need to hit the satin with gold, and you must never touch the soil or you will disappear when you are buried."
"Forty thousand years?" Two Taoist Tongwen’s eyes flashed with shock, so long life, even if it is a friar in the realm of arbitrariness, right?
After the town yuan confessed, he instantly went to the square hill of gv 10.
"Seen Bodhisattva" Town Yuanxing Lingtai Square-inch Mountain has a child leading the way into the hall, looking at the chaotic and hazy Yuan Tianzun with a respectful ceremony.
"Zhenyuan Daoyou please sit down. This Bodhi is just a pseudonym. The real name is Yuan Tianzun." Yuan Tianzun stretched out his hand and asked Zhenyuan to sit down.
"Yuan Tianzun Taoist friends don’t know that being original has innate spiritual roots?" Zhenyuan looked at Yuan Tianzun’s eyes with doubts. A pair of eyes stared at Yuan Tianzun intensely. Even if the other party had evil intentions, they could not resist it themselves. This was the most powerful person in the heavens and the earth. At that time, Zhenyuan was very decisive and planted his innate spiritual roots in the courtyard according to the invitation.
Chapter 1642 Town Yuan Xin ‘an Five Zhuang Guanjian doom
Looking at the uneasy Yuan Tianzun in the depths of Zhenyuan’s eyes, he chuckled, "If you change a seat, you may kill people and seize treasures, but since you are willing to show off your jade to Lingshan to enjoy it, this is a good cause and a good result. Since you treat each other with sincerity, I will be sincere."
Town yuan smell speech mind a Ann original root actually here or in a wonderful show.
"I went to Lingshan to save Jade Duxiu, but I just did my duty as a teacher. Even if I throw straws against the wind, I beg to be ashamed." Zhenyuan’s eyes showed a bit of perseverance
Yuan Tianzun nodded. "I won’t tell you that Amitabha is in charge of the heaven and earth, Yang Linggen, a congenital hibiscus wood. Although your innate spirit root qi machine is secret, it can’t be hidden from you. Amitabha’s realm is higher than you don’t know how many and there are innate spirit roots. I can see through your details at a glance."
"Congenital hibiscus?" Zhenyuan’s eyes were shocked.
Yuan Tianzun nodded. "Calling you here today gives you a chance to help you prove the truth. Your wonderful show of cause and effect is a good cause and good result."
"Please enlighten me." Hearing the word Daodao, Zhenyuan suddenly bowed deeply with excitement in his eyes.
"Your innate spirit root has got a lot of years, right?" Yuan Tian Zun Dao
"And you haven’t been able to completely refine it today to achieve longevity?" Yudu avenue
After listening to the words of Yuan Tianzun, the town Yuan Dao "has limited mana but can’t refine it."
Yuan Tianzun shook his head. "There is a remnant soul flowing in your innate spiritual root, but it was a remnant of the ginseng fruit tree when the world was created. This remnant will not eliminate you, even if you refine the ginseng fruit tree by eternal life."
"I don’t know what to do if I go to the residual thoughts and thoroughly refine the ginseng fruit tree. If I can tell the venerable person that Zhenyuan will follow after a day or two," Zhenyuan said with a dignified face at this time.

"With who? With Lei Lei? " Old cats get bored with men and women together.

"I’ve told you if you can get some face …" When Qin Yu opened his mouth and was about to swear, he suddenly saw a dozen people in thick cotton-padded clothes rushing out next to a group of dilapidated buildings in front and immediately shouted, "Hurry up, old cat with a gun."
"What’s the matter?" The old cat immediately sat up straight.
A dozen people in front blocked the road in a row.
Qin Yu stopped more than 20 meters away instead of approaching the car.
"what business?" Qin Yu shouted down the window against the snow.
"Brother, give me something to eat. I’m starving." Two Han people came out of the crowd in the distance.
Qin Yuwen shouted, "Didn’t you see that this is a military vehicle? Get out of here if you don’t eat. "
"If you don’t eat, you can pay for some gasoline and clothes." The two Han people across the street walked on.
The old cat sat in the car and looked at the gang. When they saw that they were covered in frostbite and the children and the old man suddenly softened their hearts and said, "Give them some."
Qin Yu is completely different from the nine-zone state at the moment, and his face is cold and he shouted again, "I repeat, get out of here quickly."
"Mom so cross? If you don’t give it to us, you won’t go. "
The two men didn’t go any further when they heard Qin Yu’s words
Qin Yuwen slammed on the accelerator and slammed the car straight into the crowd in wait for a while.
"Lying in the trough!" The old cat exclaimed for a while, pulling Qin Yu’s arm and shouting, "Don’t give it or not. Don’t hit them!"
The crowd dispersed as soon as they saw the car hit.
Qin Yulai grabbed the hey gun and pulled the trigger without explaining to the old cat.
"High-pitched …!"
The gun rang in haste and the crowd scattered Qin Yu’s left hand again. Turning the steering wheel, he directly slammed the car into the heavy snow and slammed the accelerator, specially picking up the snow shell to go forward at a high speed.
Ten seconds later, the dilapidated buildings rushed out again, and 20 or 30 people fired at the wild side, but fortunately Qin Yu quickly took a detour and ran away.
The old cat sat in the car with a cold sweat on his forehead and looked at the rear in shock and scolded, "Don’t these people in the trough want to eat or rob?"
"I was just about to park the car near. We have to have our clothes stripped off and freeze to death here." Qin Yu said with a straight face. "The people in this place … are not people."
"We are military vehicles. Do they dare to rob them?"
"Do you know what this place is called?" Qin Yu twist a head to ask
I don’t know! The old cat shook his head.
"This is called Sankan. Three years ago, ten grain wagons from Fengbei Special Economic Zone passed by and were completely robbed. The head of the army was angry and ordered to send more than 1,000 people from three battalions to stop the bandits. But these more than 1,000 people jumped into Sankan and were almost dried up in less than a day. Finally, it seems that less than 300 people ran out." Qin Yu pointed to the two sides of the road just passing by and said, "Now you may be able to dig out someone with a pry shovel in the snow."
After a long pause, the old cat suddenly asked, "Dude, did you rob food at Sankan?"
Chapter 53 This is my life
Qin Yu listened to the old cat and smiled and replied, "I didn’t rob it. I am a word of mouth in this area."
"Ha ha" the old cat also smiled a little nervously after smelling it.
They looked at each other for a long time, Qin Yucai sighed and added, "I’m a human being, too, and I have to eat."
"Can white" old cat leng a nod.
After driving for more than ten hours, the two-person car came to the planning area near the south. The temperature here was a little higher than that in the north, and Qi Lin was hiding. This place is called Feng ‘an, which is located in the plain with its back to the mountains and not along the main roads. Many people often organize groups to hunt in the mountains. On the one hand, they eat for themselves. On the other hand, they also entrust people to transport it to the special zone for some small money. The environment and public security are better than those in Sankan.
Qin Yu didn’t move around Feng ‘an much before, because people here are very exclusive. One hundred people may be able to eat enough if they eat mountain resources, but it takes two hundred people, three hundred people or more to live here, so everyone may not be able to eat. It is too difficult for outsiders to establish themselves here.
However, Qin Yu never stayed here, but his former friend always lived here and had a certain position, so he put Qi Lin here to settle down.
The car stopped at the door of a bungalow made of wood and sand and mud, and the old cat and Qin Yu got on the bus.
"Is this place for people?" Looking at the bare wasteland around the crooked bungalow, the old cat couldn’t help but shake his head and sigh, "This comparison with the nine districts is like heaven. You can finally get a foothold when you go to Songjiang … You can live here, so you can go anywhere."
"See JiLin you don’t talk nonsense, he will feel depressed, and you will talk about his heart again." Qin Yu charged 1.

This treasure has your branch of the Tibetan God, and it should be secretly fostered and helped by the three old people of the Tibetan God. "

I see!
Yang Xiu immediately said, "Master, I still have many treasures here!"
"Don’t have to treasure is good for yuan baby true gentleman has milli meaning to me.
But since you gave a teacher’s gift, I also have something good for you! "
Yang xiu smiled and waited for such a long time to get something good at this moment!
Fishing requires a bait to see the hook!
Su Lie slowly took out three lingshi and said, "Extremely lingshi!"
Yang xiu is overjoyed. This is a good thing!
He immediately carefully put away the master and gave it to three in one breath.
This is the 30 million Lingshi. Is this the wealth of financial and legal couples?
Su Lie slowly came to three gods, and it was a complete set of the last thought of "Immortal Qin Dao Lian Qi Ji", which was included in it.
There is also a divine knowledge, which is "Tai Qing Miao-Huang Xuantong Yuan Tianbao Jing"
The last god knows a spell "Watching a Movie on a Clear Moon"
Su Lie said slowly, "The secret method of Immortal Qin is not to practice as much as possible, but to perfectly understand and thoroughly master it is the best."
I don’t have much if you can build a statue with the secret method of Immortal Qin, Haoran Pangda and Dafa. You have to disturb your mind.
"Immortal Qin Dao Lian Qi Ji" You have already practiced, and I will give you this.
I’ll give you a fairy tale when you reach the realm of elixir, and the realm of Yuanying is yours.
Remember that you can’t be greedy for the secret law of the immortals!
In "Tai Qing Miao-Huang Xuan Tong Yuan Tianbao Jing", I should give you the core inheritance of Qing Tian Xian Zong.
However, it is not as clear and meaningful as you when you practice the Classic of Nine Tailaojun.
There is nothing wrong with the core of the Nine Tailaojun Scriptures!
Finally, "Clear Moon Watching" is the key.
I’m actually in a relic, and what you see is two places at once. I can’t lead you into the Qing Zongsuo, so it’s hard for us to meet.
You practice this method, and we can get together with the full moon for three days every month.
You can ask me for help if something happens.
In these three days, I can send a member of the world to fight for you, and the strength of the member is Yuan Ying. "
Yang xiu said that Bai is a practice inheritance, a secret method of protecting Tao and a combined spell.
Master, this arrangement is in vain!
Is this the law of wealth and law?
Su Lie said again, "I am an avatar.
This is the great magical power! "