
1. **清热解毒**:许多中草药具有清热解毒的作用,可以用来治疗由热毒引起的疾病,如金银花、菊花、板蓝根等。这些草药能够帮助身体排除毒素,恢复健康。


2. **补益气血**:中草药如西洋参、枸杞、人参等,能够补充身体所需的营养,增强体质,提高免疫力。这些草药对于贫血、体弱多病等情况有很好的改善作用。

3. **扶正固本**:扶正固本的中草药如黄芪、茯苓、党参等,能够增强体质,调整身体机能,提高抵抗力。这些草药常用于增强身体,预防疾病。

4. **调理脏腑功能**:中草药可以根据不同的身体症状,针对性地调理脏腑功能。例如,当归可以补血活血,适用于月经不调、血虚闭经等女性常见病;黄芪则能补气生血,强肺肝而健脾胃。

5. **治疗特定疾病**:许多中草药对特定疾病有显著的治疗效果。如蒲公英与玫瑰花的搭配,有助于肝脏和胃部的健康,对酒精肝、乳腺增生、胃部溃疡等有预防和缓解作用。

6. **促进新陈代谢**:某些中草药如瓜蒌、麦冬等,能够润肺化痰,散结滑肠,促进身体的新陈代谢,有助于排毒。

7. **抗炎抗菌**:中草药如白花蛇舌草、半枝莲等,具有清热解毒、消痈散结、利尿除湿的功效,对于炎症、感染性疾病有一定的治疗作用。

8. **调经止痛**:一些中草药如川芎、白芍等,具有活血祛瘀、行气开郁、收敛止血的作用,适用于痛经、经血不畅等女性问题。


– 在使用中草药前,最好到医院做检查,以判断身体情况。
– 需在医生指导下使用中草药,避免自行乱用。
– 根据个人体质和具体病情,调整用药种类和剂量。
– 注意中草药的毒副作用,避免过量使用。



1. **清肺热**:大鱼际属于手太阴肺经,是肺经的营穴。营主身热,因此大鱼际可以有效地清热,对于肺经的风热症状,如咳嗽、咳痰、发热、胸痛等,有很好的缓解作用。

2. **润肠通便**:大鱼际在排便前按摩可以起到清肠热、化肠燥、通大便的效果,对于便秘有辅助治疗作用。


3. **解表利咽**:按摩大鱼际可以缓解感冒初期的咽痛、打喷嚏、咳嗽等症状,对于呼吸道疾病有一定的辅助治疗作用。

4. **提高免疫力**:经常按摩大鱼际可以促进血液循环,疏通经脉,增强肺主防御卫外的功能,从而提高免疫力。

5. **缓解疲劳**:对于长时间使用电脑或从事体力劳动的人群,按摩大鱼际可以缓解手臂、手腕等肢体的疲劳,同时也能缓解颈椎病、落枕、手指活动不利等症状。

6. **治疗小儿疳积**:大鱼际穴可以治疗小孩的疳积、消化不良等病症。

7. **保健养生**:通过按摩大鱼际,可以起到保健养生的作用,如解表、利咽、化痰等。



– **按摩力度**:按摩时应适度,避免用力过猛,以免造成不适或损伤。


– **专业操作**:针灸应由专业中医师进行操作,以确保安全和治疗效果。
– **遵医嘱**:在治疗过程中,应遵医嘱,结合药物治疗,以达到最佳治疗效果。


Therefore, if we continue to stalemate, it is likely that Qin Changfeng’s strength has dried up and Mrs. You Chen has not only recovered, but also swallowed it openly …

Chapter seven hundred and forty-four Destiny fire
The situation in which the two giants of Shichanghe Black Hole War are at loggerheads is quite unfavorable to Qin Changfeng.
Because once you enter the stalemate stage, competition is the foundation and realm.
Foundation Qin Changfeng’s self-confidence is never weaker than others, but his mastery of the law is still worse than that of Chen Taitai.
However, if the realm of the law of the avenue is worse, will it be impossible to win?
Qin Changfeng has two words, not necessarily!
If that’s the case, let’s report the types and realms of Yuan God’s laws separately, and just compare and tell the winners and losers directly, or do we have to fight to death?
There is a touch of indifference in my eyes, a touch of expectation and a touch of confidence!
Then this half type is that even he has deduced it several times in his mind, but he has never used it.
With his finger-pinching tactic, the dragon-infested nebula Huo Ran Fuguang waste road lines are densely covered, which belongs to the diffusion of Wu Tiandao’s breath, and the natural disaster has finally evolved into a more complicated and powerful meaning.
All the stripes in the star are shaken, dragged and entangled into a huge array, which emerges like a big net and changes around the nebula. In a moment, the nebula dragon is condensed and shaped into a celestial method!
The Emperor of Heaven has black hair and flying eyes, staring at the stars and overlooking people. His eyes seem cold, cold, sharp and dignified.
He doesn’t have a mouth, but he has to raise his hand with a finger. The whole world is trembling. This star is full of fright.
Even when the stars are rumbling and trembling at the fingertips, the long river emits harsh golden light, and the river directly boils and transpires bright haze.
When the river is boiling, what does it mean?
Just when people were shocked and suspicious, all the haze suddenly disappeared, not because the river had been evaporated, but because it melted the golden flame of the world!
The whole long river has become a huge fire lamp in the virtual space, as if it was not water but road lamp oil that flowed in the long river.
At this moment, the tester does not get cold in front of the screen.
That’s no ordinary fire, but destiny fire! !
It was Qin Changfeng who was born when the foundation of the martial arts was ignited. It has a complete mystery and a strong destiny. It burns in the stars and spreads the fire. The star in the last month in the day directly turns to ashes.
If it weren’t for their planet, the battlefield would have disappeared.
The fire of destiny will burn Mrs. You Chen to vomit blood on the spot and retreat back wildly. No matter how strong the black hole body is, it will never be swallowed up. At this moment, the power of uniting the Tao will burn out and the fire of destiny will come out.
If the emperor doesn’t show it, it will be the most powerful destructive force in the world, and all tangible things will be destroyed. In comparison, the middle-level annihilation blow is nothing, because this fire can suppress all things and even burn the law of the avenue as lamp oil!
At the same time, the world is in a daze. This is the strongest change in the shape of the black hole. It is hard to accept that Mrs. Daohuang was suppressed and vomited blood and flew backwards.
Natural disasters in the evolution of witch, water and fire.
The three laws of time, life and fate show Tao Wei.
At this time, all the elements that make up the natural disaster are gathered in the exhibition hall. To some extent, this fire of destiny is the ultimate meaning of the natural disaster and the most complete of the three disasters exerted by Qin Changfeng.
Maybe not the strongest, but it is absolutely perfect.
And the power of destiny and fire did not live up to Qin Changfeng’s expectation. The destructive power is even more terrible than the destruction. It is the best proof that it will be directly mastered as the destruction of the righteousness and the suppression of Mrs. Chen.
"Ah … that’s impossible!"
"Your realm is lower than mine, even if there is a flying fairy operator blessing Tao Fawei, it is impossible to surpass me! !”
Mrs. Youchen generally evades the destiny and growls, but she is unwilling and even less angry. How can she lose to a "grass man" who rose from the twilight?
Besides, it’s still the king’s challenge, and the snow is bound to be filled with the situation from the end.
"I really sent you a point, but I decided that the avatar power has an avatar besides the law! The three disasters of heaven and earth are enough to make up for the gap between heaven and earth! "
Qin Changfeng’s indifference and conceit have always been his advantage because of his magical powers and mysterious abilities.
Before the war, he thought that the magical power was his weakness, and it was also because of the ignorance that the realm of Yuan God exceeded him too much, and the gap was far from being comparable to that of Mrs. You Chen.
Otherwise, if you are in the same environment, even if Tao Chi claims to read all the holy laws in the world, Qin Changfeng will never be afraid of it.
Rumble ~ ~ ~ ~

Leng Yun’s Seven Swords This person’s cultivation achievement method is a semi-lost achievement method based on Leng Yun’s imperial sword style. Compared with the most common swordsmanship of the gas refiner, it can be several times stronger. Understandably, the similarity of Mu’s sword tactic is very subtle.

However, although Leng Yun’s Seven Swords are respected by the commander-in-chief, it is an arrogant and selfish person. Although the commander-in-chief has told us that if he meets the land, he will recruit as much as possible, but even if he really misses, he will not blame the commander-in-chief. After all, the strong who can really live is the master.
Leng Yun’s seven swords fight before the break of the forward speed of Lu Li consumes a lot of money, but if there is still a battle force problem, it will not be won or lost, and life and death will finally be seen
It’s almost like the two countries are at war and charging at the forefront. The soldiers are desperate to go straight ahead just by speed, as if there were only seven swords left in his eyes to attack and kill-Leng Yun.
The other side is naturally not afraid of the wind and no longer flies the sword. When Leng Yun’s seven swords robe shakes, he pulls himself in a robe and turns out to be wearing a silver armor. It is eye-catching. It must be the effect created by the refining master.
After several losses, how can I go back to my old ways this time?
Directly combine all kinds of boxing methods. When it is close to Leng Yun’s seven swords and ten zhangs, it suddenly displays its posture or mixes its posture with the spirit of snake boxing. The clever footwork makes the other party unpredictable.
The snake fist is not weaker than the tiger fist, but the tiger fist emphasizes the strength and strength. The snake fist walks in a feminine and clever wind. The tiger fist can be imagined as a tiger coming out of the cage, while the snake spits out its letter. Although the latter is not as fierce as the tiger on the surface, the raid is equally fatal.
In addition, although Qinglong Boxing is a golden mean boxing method, it is also worth learning. Although this boxing method is dragon-shaped, it contains many basic boxing moves, and it can be a lot of luck to parry and punch.
This is the case. In the end, the heart-stealing boxing is the most ruthless, but I don’t know the origin of this boxing. The power of the heart-stealing boxing is amazing, and the boxing road is strange, which is almost impossible for few people to defend.
The right fist suddenly attacked the evil tiger and blocked the road, leaving the left palm slightly curled and showing the potential of snake spitting letters, which made Leng Yun’s seven swords one leng, but he was also a battle-hardened corners of his mouth slightly raised, and the transformation of his style was also a stroke of boxing and boxing.
When the two fists met, the deviation of the fist heart seemed to be a phantom, and then his body shook and the light world suddenly trembled and punched his throat. If the killing gas didn’t stop him, he would be injured.
Killing the Heart Sutra is beyond Leng Yun’s Seven Swords. It is expected that he will display this boxing method called Shadow Boxing, but the refined gas practitioners are quite eager for a boxing method. Just like Mu Qianxue’s shadow double sword, it is so fast that people can’t see clearly where the boxing shadow is. Compared with the snake boxing, they might as well give more.
Of course, this set of boxing is not created by Leng Yun’s seven swords himself, but is taught by himself. He can easily defeat the land separation, but he is unexpectedly blocked by it.
A cold smile is not the same as before this time, and it is very strange to add his white hair. It is a creepy feeling to see this smile in the eyes of Leng Yun’s seven swords
The figure is floating in the body in a flash, and the action is extremely flexible. He has released three waves of thoughts in a row to feint, which makes the body of Leng Yun’s seven swords vibrate violently, but the whole person is like a shadow.
Yin and yang escape combined with three-color lotus, which is a customary means of being away from home, but this time it disappeared briefly but didn’t hide for a long time, and it appeared in an instant, creating an illusion for Leng Yun’s seven swords in an instant, as if he could figure out by disappearing.
In fact, according to the expert in refining the spirit, even if you really want to hide for a long time, you can’t do it categorically. If you want to be found that the true qi wave sweeps across the land, your position will still be exposed. After all, he can’t integrate himself into the virtual like Corydalis. That’s the beauty of returning to the virtual method.
Lu Li reappeared face to face with Leng Yun’s Seven Swords. At the moment, he didn’t move at all, staring at each other like a god of death, making Leng Yun’s Seven Swords quiver. This cliff made him feel a little unnatural.
Although Lu Li can teleport the solution, Leng Yun’s Seven Swords know that many people, including Leng Yun’s Seven Swords, who can teleport when they are trained in his realm, can do it themselves, but it takes a lot of money.
A fleeting figure suddenly disappears like a bubble, which makes Leng Yun’s seven swords one leng hurriedly strengthen defense and release the true qi wave to find out the location of the land.
The true qi wave is very mysterious, but in the moment when Leng Yun’s seven swords captured the breath from the land, the breath turned from the air mass to the ghosting, accompanied by a cold and harsh voice saying, "Stealing your heart!"
This is the second realm of the heavenly fairy, which casts a heart-stealing fist. This fist method can be traced back to the source. Perhaps the shadow killing has a great deal, but I don’t know the strange footwork. With the extremely fast boxing shadow, it is accompanied by an incredible arc that directly hits the middle of the back of Leng Yun’s seven swords!
There was a loud bang, and the whole ground was shocked. Although Leng Yun’s seven swords were equipped with strong defense, they were aimed at Lu Li Quan, and because he had always left spare capacity before Lu Li, his defense was balanced, but it was not absolutely strong at a local point.
Even breaking the protective body of Leng Yun’s Seven Swords really broke the other side’s protective body gas mask, which made it better than Leng Yun’s Seven Swords. This master was also injured in his bowels. If it wasn’t for the silver armor that offset some of the impact, his middle of the back in his chest would have to be penetrated into a blood hole!
"Ow-"Leng Yun screamed with seven swords, and the blow surprised him, which made his breath disorder, his body shocked and his insides felt uncomfortable, and his insides seemed to be broken.
Chapter one hundred and sixteen Both sides
This change made Leng Yun’s Seven Swords almost furious. He judged that Lu Lixiu was extraordinary among the gas-gathering masters. He didn’t expect the other party’s strange boxing path to cause harm to himself. This made him angry. He originally planned to hand over Lu Lixiu to the leader, but at this time he turned to kill his heart!
On the other hand, is he a slobber?
Now that Wan Qiu has promised to protect Yan State, he will kill this man, who is a strong enemy but will not break his word easily.
"Small from-"
This kind word seems to be still ringing in my ears, but it doesn’t deny the reality. He knows that Wan Qiu may never come back this time, and his big eyes and pouting mouth will never see you again.
There is a hint of determination in his eyes, and the whole person is like madness. Wan Qiu left a note and he wanted to do it even if it was black and blue!
Maybe some people don’t understand this, but in the end they will understand it.
"The tiger killed fiercely!"
Ten punches in a storm!
This is the most deadly fist move in Tiger Boxing. I was seriously injured in armor and snow. This time, even in the face of Leng Yun’s seven swords, I am still unswerving. Although I lost once before, this time is different!
Tiger Boxing fuses and reverses the Heart Sutra. Most of the strength is combined with the killing gas. The killing gas comes out like a sword. In Leng Yun, the seven swords are hastily arranged, and the protective barrier bursts into loud noise, which can be heard hundreds of miles away!
Yan is not without masters, but it is true that the general eye is almost human, and thousands of people have placed their hopes on the land.
Leng Yun’s seven swords even retreated. Although he is an alchemist, after all, the repair of the protector’s true qi needs to be separated from time to time. It is because his speed is temporarily difficult to defend that he chooses to retreat.
"Where to go!"

Demons, the new Lord, can lead them to repel powerful enemies.

But now …
What can a low-level demon do?
In this situation, even if the fighting power is ordinary, it is difficult for the middle-class demons to turn the tide.
Bearer is just finished closing Su Mo.
The process of killing two middle-ranking demons in his town was very short, and no one noticed it except standing by and watching a few people.
Even though I saw two middle-ranking demons screaming at the Moon Mountain, I didn’t feel too intuitive.
Many demon families are very disgraceful sneak attacks by new lords.
Su Mo lifted the monkey up and handed Qian Jun into his hands and asked, "Can you still fight?"
"Of course!"
Monkey’s bloody eyes are dim, and many violent forces have faded, but the fighting spirit in their eyes has not diminished at all!
Su Mo said, "Go and help Linghu. Give it to me here."
The two lords, Heishaling and Fengfengdong, didn’t show that they were narrowing their eyes and scattered powerful gods repeatedly passing through Su Mo.
Two people want to see Su Mo actual situation!
But to their surprise, they couldn’t even see Su Mo!
If Su Mo’s body didn’t exude a strong demon spirit, they would have known that this was a Terran fix true person!
Solitary cloud also frowned.
This red-haired man is just a low-order monster, but he can’t see through this man!
The weirdest thing is that he felt an inexplicable palpitation in this red-haired man!
This is an unprecedented situation.
He’s a dumpling clan, even among pure-blooded fierce beasts, and he’s a top strong man. How can he feel palpitation when he’s beyond this person’s great realm?
Must be an illusion!
"hmm? Wrong! "
Solitary cloud eyes tight shut a deep smell.
Dragon breath!
Lonely cloud look a change.
This person exudes an aura of a dragon!
"I know!"
Lonely cloud suddenly realized, "That dragon treasure must be in this person!"
Then everything will be explained.
It is also with this dragon treasure that this person can become the Lord of Xiao Yueshan!
I figured it out, but the solitary cloud was motionless on the surface, but it was exulting in my heart.
"It’s nothing to help a low-ranking demon sit on the throne!"
"God helps me, and I’m looking forward to it!"
Lonely cloud silently corners of the mouth slightly become warped.
Chapter one hundred and twenty-seven Strangulation!
Lonely cloud, pointing to Su Mo, looked at the black sand ridge and the windy cave. They all looked disdainful and said slowly, "I’ll take care of this man. You continue."
His intention is simple.
He kills the man in front of him, even if the dragon treasure is exposed, it can be owned by him, and no one can take it away!
The two lords, Heishaling and Fengfengdong, nodded their heads at each other.
What is it that the original two people still come? The strong man is now a low-order demon.
Even some means can’t help but affect the overall situation.
What’s more, solitary cloud has decided to deal with this person, who will die!
The two lords waved and greeted the remaining ten middle-ranking demons to launch a secret offensive against the black wolf and cicada again!
The magic is boiling in an instant!
Black Wolf and Cicada Ruyi just took a breath. I didn’t expect to fall into the siege again in a blink of an eye.
Su Mo’s eyes were cold and his body moved in the direction of the two lords, Heishaling and Fengfengdong.

Northridge king nodded.

Tang Qinger added, "By the way, Dad, I brought two friends back."
"Little nephew Shen Tuying visits King Beiling!"
South Lin Shaozhu hurriedly visited before and looked respectful.
"Shen Tuying"
King of Beiling: "Don’t be a master in Nanlin. How’s your father recently?"
Master Nan Lin hurriedly said, "My father’s physical illness is that he misses you and has no chance to get together with you."
Two people exchange pleasantries.
The absent-minded king of Beiling seems to know that Tang Qinger’s master in Nanlin is not difficult for him.
Accurately speaking, the attention root of King Beiling is not in Nanlin, and the main body is still paying attention to Wudao Zun!
"And this wild martial friend."
Tang Qinger briefly described the process of getting to know each other. "Dad, you won’t be angry if I take the initiative to resolve this matter under your banner, will you?"
"If a northern Xuan Ming is dying, it will die."
King Beiling waved his hand and said, "What dare you say even if you kill several prison kings?"
Pause a little Northridge Wang Cai and look at Wu Daozun’s eyes. There is a breathtaking light, and a huge pressure slowly enveloped!
Shen Beiling Wang’s eyesight is far better than Tang Qinger and others.
Although he can’t see the depth of Wudao Zun, he can clearly feel that Wudao Zun can never be a prisoner!
"Are you really from heaven?"
Northridge king asked slowly.
Facing the king of Beiling, Wu Daozun looked calm and said, "And I want to ask you about it as if I were going back to heaven."
Chen Boda shouted, "How dare you talk to the king like this when you don’t worship him!"
Although Wu Daozun is in the square, he has stood up and never saluted King Beiling since he entered the bedroom.
He just sounded more like he was communicating with his peers without any respect.
Even Tang Qing-erh made a sweat for budo Zun.
If father really blames her for this, she won’t be able to protect Wu Daozun.
Not to mention the fact that Wu Daozun came from heaven alone is enough for my father to kill him!
"Ha ha ha ha!"
King Beiling burst out laughing, and the laughter resounded through the palace, and there was a deafening and overbearing atmosphere!
King Beiling looked at Wudao Zun and smiled somberly and slowly. "Since you have come to hell, you can’t go back!"
Wu Daozun frowned slightly.
Is he really trapped in hell?
What is the so-called nine hell emperors in the hell world?
What is the purpose of the old monk guarding the tomb pushing him here?

This is also the butterfly month told Su Mo that it is the easiest for a demon-repairer to slay his opponent.

"You dare to run wild, beast!"
Several monks of Tsukiji denounced an outbreak of spirituality, and the aura around them rolled up and slammed into Linghu.
Spiritual strength, spiritual tiger strength, root can’t resist.
Su Mo’s eyes narrowed slightly to avoid stabbing, and several flying swords were thrown out of the Liuhe sword array, and then stopped in front of Linghu to stop several kinds of spiritual arts.
A loud noise
Spirituality to pieces and Su Mo Liuhe sword array finally can’t support it, and it’s hard to form again.
Six flying swords are scattered on the ground, and the light is dim.
Linghu is clever. Take this opportunity to sneak behind Su Mo and stare at a couple of tiger eyes and look at more than a dozen monks on the other side.
"Your aura has dried up!" A monk in the early days of Tsukiji sneered at one
The outbreak of war between the two sides is short, but Su Mo has resisted too many flying swords and consumed a lot of aura. At this time, there are indeed a few left
"I see how arrogant you are!"
A monk Tsukiji pinched the spirit tactic with his hand and rushed toward Sumo, pointing to a fireball the size of a fist. He was still in the middle of the gas, and it had been burned to crackle.
Sue ink eyes bright suddenly leaned out of the palm of your hand toward the head-on fireball.
"Looking for death!"
A monk named Tsukiji could not help secretly sneering at Su Mo’s daring to resist spirituality with his bare hands.
Sue ink slowly fuelling blood palm was flashing a flourishing Lei Guang, dense.
"What’s that?"
Many Godsworn Tsukiji’s pupils contracted and exclaimed constantly.
This fireball was crushed by Su Mo’s palm, and the aura melted into shape.
Seeing this, the friar became angry in an uproar.
Grey robe monk also frown unbelievable looking at this scene confused to himself, "lightning? Is this man not a practitioner but a monk Zhu Ji? "
Brother Grey Robe’s spirit-peeping technique was carefully explored again in Su Mo’s body. "Yes, it’s the nine layers of condensed gas. Has this person cultivated some kind of hidden realm achievement method?"
"No, no!"
The grey robe monk shook his head again. "Why didn’t you feel the aura fluctuation when you released lightning?"
The grey robe monk broke his head and couldn’t think that the power source of Sumerian thunder came from his own blood!
Sumo Reiki has indeed dried up, but the thunder power in the blood is still there.
At this time, the crane was repeatedly in distress, and the blood-eyed crow tore out many wounds and gave a short cry.
Although the crane elder didn’t say anything, Su Mo knew in his heart that the crane could follow him out to make a living. Naturally, the crane elder believed in Thaksin.
Now, seeing the crane in distress, Su Mo didn’t even think about breaking out of the blood force, but there was a faint surge of waves, surging tide and shocking mind!
In the eyes of the public, Su Mo’s body suddenly skyrocketed, and the whole body expanded in a circle. The blue was covered with thunder or chaos.
Sumo is like the murder in the eyes of Raytheon’s possession, and the momentum is terrible!
Until then, Brother Grey’s face changed and he finally realized that the situation was wrong.
Su Mo pointed his finger at the sky, and in his eyes, generate gave a looming murder and gently shouted "Thunder!"
Ping’s first thunder exploded
A flaming Lei Guang fell in the blood-eyed crows, winding like a snake, and the light spread brightly. Pieces of blood-eyed crows were directly killed and fell from the middle like a black rain.
Many Buddhist monks present were startled by this deafening thunder. The nine Buddhist monks who besieged Lengrou stopped consciously.
Lengrou took this opportunity to take a short breath and sweat all over, and the aura was almost exhausted.
Xiao pang took the opportunity to kill a monk in the early days of preconditions, swung a huge axe and directly split the man in half, spilling blood all over him!
Lei Shuwei was so strong that he almost extinct the half-blood-eyed crow!
The little crane is full of energy, and the ravens with blood eyes are no longer enough to pose a threat to it.
Just then Su Mo backhand took out a long knife with a cold light flashing from the bag. Before striding, he grinned at the opposite monk Tsukiji. "The battle has just begun!"
This step is two feet away, and in an instant, it comes to many Buddhist monks near the base.
Poof! Poof!
Su Mo backhand one knife two people feel flowers at the moment haven’t react two big head has thrown up blood column KuangPen high.
Friar Tsukiji turned pale with fear and exclaimed, and his consciousness retreated behind him.
"Can you run!"
Su Mo came after the past with a knife like a tiger into a flock of sheep, chopping left and right and cutting lotus flower constantly flashing.
Cold, soft and chubby are blindsided.

"Sure enough, I can’t hide from my sister."

Yun Ting also laughed and said, "But my sister guessed wrong. This man knows how to kill two swords!"
The woman glanced at Yun Ting and asked casually, "Do you want me to help you take these two swords away?"
"How can this work!"
Yun Ting said at once, "I will defeat him one day and take back the two swords with my own hands!"
Hearing this answer, the female heart secretly nodded.
What she said just now was a test.
If Yun Ting promised to come, it would prove that Yun Ting was completely defeated in the first world war, and he dared not play that man again.
Now Yun Ting’s performance has reassured women.
If Yun Ting’s sharpness is still frustrated today, it will make him more powerful!
The woman stretched out her palm and gently waved in the direction of Yun Ting.
Yun Ting knew the sea and suddenly opened a broken silver armor and flew out. It was Su Mo’s three yuan gods hermetic that broke the ice armor.
"Sister, this armor is broken. What do you need it for?"
Yun Ting muttered a word.
"If it’s broken, you’ll soon break through to the fairy, and I’ll recast it for you."
The woman said as she took this armor.
The female finger gently brushed the nail and looked at the nail with a few scorch marks. "This is the trace of destroying the whip."
"Yes, yes, one of the secrets of the Yuan God is a lightning whip."
Yun Ting hurriedly said.
The woman is puzzled. "How can this school appear in this person?"
The woman felt the residual breath of a broken armor again. "There is also a secret art of Buddhism and Yuan God. What is it? I still can’t guess what you will describe."
Yun Ting will simply describe the scene at that time.
"Tathagata sutra Tathagata?"
The woman frowned slightly and said, "This person has great attainments in Buddhism, but after all, this is a boundary skill. How can it be so powerful?"
She has a wide range of knowledge and knowledge.
So many things can be inferred from the clues of nail residue.
But at this time, she can also understand how the occult sciences of a world god broke out with such power.
The woman shook her head and continued, "This man has also released a secret method of dragon lamella, which can continuously release three secret methods of Yuan Shen. This man Yuan Shen must be eccentric."
According to Yun Ting’s description, the flesh is strong and the blood is usually barbarians.
But the barbarian Yuan God is the weakest point, and it is absolutely impossible to be so concise and pure!
Women can’t guess Su Mo’s position at the moment.
How can anyone practice killing by heaven and killing by earth, know how to destroy the whip of God, be profound in Buddhism, and be able to release the dragon mysticism, and be able to compete with Yun Ting?
It’s weird that such a Uber has ordinary blood?
"Don’t …"
A woman’s heart vaguely thought of a possibility.
Seeing that the woman was silent and bored, Yun Ting leaned forward and pointed to the woman’s hand and asked, "What are you looking at, sister?"
The woman was interrupted by Yun Ting and didn’t continue to want to close her book and show her name to Yun Ting. "Nothing is just some stories."

Kaka, Kaka!

Then a series of fractures sounded.
Panlong printing is quickly suppressed after a pause!
Poof, a full ten-foot-high-profile corpse was crushed into a ball by Panlong Seal, and the stinking blood mud was spread on the ground bones!
Friar Bai was about to rush into the tunnel, but a radiant seal suddenly hit and directly blocked the exit.
He hurriedly paused, and a mass of blood spattered on his pale cheek.
The white-shirted monk stared at his eyes, and the whole person was almost scared, and his mind was white.
In the fix true world, if you want to defeat the monks of the cult of refining resin, you should try to avoid them from fighting resin and attack the monks of the cult of refining resin.
Because for the resin-refining monks, fighting resin is their indestructible weapon!
No one in the same rank can destroy their dead bodies.
If someone is killed by a corpse, they can’t get out when they fight together. In the end, they will either be killed by a corpse town or they will be killed by life!
Tired of war dead.
Even if you are black and blue, your strength will not be reduced.
And monks are different.
Manpower will eventually run out.
Friar Bai practiced dozens of battles, but he had never seen Su Mo play so fiercely.
Staring at his corpse, I almost cut it in half without saying first.
Then the second directly suppressed his corpse into a mass of blood mud!
So it’s over.
Friar Bai is in a daze at the moment.
Dead silence!
Jun Hao and Si Yutang were about to attack Su Mo with a joint battle corpse, but now they are all standing in the same place with their eyes pounding and their bodies trembling slightly.
Congenital spirit!
The two men looked carefully at Su Mo’s last sacrifice. This golden seal flashed six spiritual lines. It is a congenital spirit!
It is a magic weapon for evil things to destroy weapons that the corpse is poisoned in the flesh and blood of the war corpse.
Even Ji Yao’s flying sword in the snow can’t escape this fate
But now this golden seal is not stained with the flesh and blood of the war corpse, and the breath is more abundant, exuding the domineering spirit of the King’s Landing Emperor!
Jun Hao’s eyes flashed with deep jealousy.
"If this baby lets me get it, I can be so awesome!"
Chapter four hundred and seventy-one Ministry meteorite
Su Mo moved slightly.
Panlong India’s power also surprised him!
I’m afraid this burst of power may threaten the monks in the early days of then!
More importantly, Godsworn Tsukiji’s Dantian is in the form of a spiritual sea and has not condensed into Dan.
Only then can the real person exert the true power of the innate spirit!
When the time comes, how will this Panlong seal show its elegance? Su Mo is also vaguely looking forward to it.
Shimen beat Ji Yaoxue and came out.
Four eyes relative
Sue ink smiled and nodded to reassure her.
Ji Yaoxue blushed and she chuckled.
Su Mo gently waved Panlong Seal and quickly narrowed it into a delicate small seal, and a streamer returned to the bag.
Su Mo strolled to the toe of the exit of the tunnel and returned to the palm with a blood quenching knife.
During the whole process, the white-shirted monk, Jun Hao and Si Yutang did not dare to move.
Su Mo literally made three people feel great pressure with one move and one look, and it seemed that they would be killed on the spot at any moment!
This is an almost enemy gas field!
Three eyes flashing, thinking the same thing in my heart.
How to escape!
Panlong India’s suppression is not only a corpse, but also the last point of resistance of the three people.
Friar Bai’s bereavement face was the first to squeeze out a smile and fuels, saying, "Friendly means are in Pei."

It is precisely because of this that the fairy king sighed and was surprised that the secret method of thunder and lightning gave him a name.

Although the pupil technique of the king of Yunlei County is powerful, it can’t resist the blazing light in this way, such as the scorching sun shining on the instantaneous melting roots of ice and snow!
Yunlei’s eyes are also stinging!
At this moment, he felt a ferocious and fierce breath coming on his face, just like an ancient wild and fierce beast filled with bloody gas, which seemed to tear him in half!
"Not good!"
Yunlei County King realized in his heart that Su Mo had come near.
He had seen the horrors of Soviet-Mexican melee and knew that he had no chance of winning in melee.
The king of Yunlei County broke out in the thunder escape method, and the whole person became a Lei Guang, who instantly disappeared from the original place and disappeared from the Sumerian distance.
At the same time, the king of Yunlei County pushed the Yuan God to the limit, and his hands were constantly changing. His mouth was so majestic as Lei Yin!
"God is thundering!"
"Five days of thunder!"
"It’s windy and thunderous!"
"It rains and thunders!"
"There are clouds and thunder!"
"Buze Tianlei!"
"It’s freezing and thundering!"
"It’s thundering!"
"Flying sand and thunder!"
"It’s thundering!"
"The magic thunder!"
"Swallow ghosts and thunder!"
Twelve lightning tricks are released in the blink of an eye, and the world changes color in an instant!
There’s heavy rain, hail, flood, wind, sand and stones, evil spirits roaring out of the cage, fiends looming …
Several visions filled the heavens and the earth, and every vision contained all the thunder, covering the sky from all sides and sweeping in!
"Twelve days thunder clouds thunder county king good means!"
There were waves of amazement on both sides of the spectator seat.
Thunder is the heaviest war.
Every lightning sacrifice is extremely powerful.
Today, twelve days of thunder are just like conan the destroyer!
Chapter two thousand two hundred and forty-six Thunder big handprint
"If Su Mo is at the peak, means that the card has not been moved yet, naturally, this 12-day thunder can be resolved and now …"
"I’m afraid there will be supernatural powers to fight against the thunder in twelve days."
"Why hasn’t Su Mo made a move yet? Are you ready to give up resistance and admit defeat?"
There was a noisy discussion in the crowd.
Twelve days of thunder covered the sun and rolled in. Su Mo was motionless in Qingshi. His figure was so horrible that the huge offensive seemed a little thin and would be swallowed up at any time!
On the other side, the king of Yunlei County was pale and his eyes were dim. He noticed that Su Mo seemed to have given up his resistance before he breathed a sigh of relief.
Twelve thunderbolts broke out at the same time, which consumed too much yuan Shen power, and his yuan Shen was on the verge of collapse
Is Yunlei looking at Su Mo’s face and rising a little uneasy.
This face is so quiet.
In such an offensive, there is no panic, no fear and no calm.
And Su Mo’s eyes are flashing with a light instead, which seems to be some expectation!
Boom Boom Boom
Twelve lightning strikes hit Su Mo!
Su Mo does not blink, does not avoid his eyes, and makes great efforts to urge the bone-forging article in "Taixu Leiji" to attract thunder into the body and benefit twelve thunderbolts to refine the bones!
This move is really crazy.
For others, root imagination
But Su Mo has this confidence.
He has ten violets, real body, strong physique and strong vitality. He believes that even twelve thunderbolts can destroy his vitality!
He also has enough confidence in "Tai Xu Lei Ji"
He believes that the practice created by Emperor Lei is enough to bring down the thunder and bring down the twelve heavenly thunder places!